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Table 3 Frequency of answers with important and without important impact of OHIP-14 domains

From: Association between gingival bleeding and gingival enlargement and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of subjects under fixed orthodontic treatment: a cross-sectional study

OHIP-14 questions


“Never”, “hardly ever” or “occasionally”

“Very often” or “fairly often


n (%)

n (%)

1. Had trouble pronouncing any words

Functional limitation (1,2)

291 (88.1)

39 (11.8)

2. Felt sense of taste has worsened

3. Had painful aching

Physical pain (3,4)

330 (100)

0 (0)

4. Found it uncomfortable to eat any foods

5. Been self-conscious


273 (82.7)

57 (17.2)

6. Felt tense


7. Diet has been unsatisfactory

Physical disability (7,8)

330 (100)

0 (0)

8. Had to interrupt meals

9. Found it difficult to relax

Psychological disability (9,10)

313 (94.8)

17 (5.1)

10. Been a bit embarrassed

11. Been a bit irritable

Social disability (11,12)

330 (100)

0 (0)

12. Had difficulty doing usual jobs

13. Felt life less satisfying

Handicap (13,14)

313 (94.8)

17 (5.1)

14. Been totally unable to function

OHIP-14 (overall scale)


273 (82.7)

57 (17.2)