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Table 1 Summary table of previous research studies

From: Intracanal placement of calcium hydroxide: a comparison of specially designed paste carrier technique with other techniques


Canal type/MAF #

Comparison of techniques

Main findings/conclusions

Estrela et al [9].

Dog Premolars, #50

Ca(OH)2 placement by: Endodontic file/ McSpadden Compactor/ Lentulo

Endodontic file was superior.

Deveux et al [10].

Single-rooted human premolars, #25

Ca(OH)2 placement by: MecaShaper/ K-type ultrasonic file/ Gutta-Condensor, Pastinject/ Lentulo

Pastinject was superior.

Torres et al [11].

Simulated 44° curved canal, #40

Ca(OH)2 placement by: Ultradent tip/ Lentulo/ Ultradent + Lentulo (Combined)

1 mm (from terminus): Lentulo was superior. 3 mm: Lentulo and combined were superior.

Oztan et al [12].

Simulated 42° curved canal, #40

Ca(OH)2 placement by: Lentulo/ Pastinject Ca(OH)2 vehicles: Glycerin/Water (Calcium Hydroxide was mixed with either glycerin or water and placed with either Lentulo or Pastinject.)

Glycerin was superior as a vehicle of Ca(OH)2 for Pastinject or Lentulo. Pastinject was superior to Lentulo with either vehicles of Ca(OH)2.

Simcock et al [13].

Single-canal Human 2nd Mandibular Premolars*

Ca(OH)2 placement by: Lentulo/ injection system/ Flex-O file/ Reverse rotary NiTi Canals were minimally prepared. (MAF 25) or completely prepared (MAF 40).

Completely prepared canals had fewer voids for all placement techniques. Injection system was superior in completely prepared canals

Peters et al [14].

Simulated 50° curved canal*

Ca(OH)2 placement by: Lentulo/ injection system Canals were prepared to MAF: # 20/#30/#40

Lentulo was superior. MAF #40 canals had fewest voids.

Deonizio et al [15].

Single-canal Human Mandibular premolars, #50

Ca(OH)2 placement by Lentulo with speed: 5000 rpm, 10000 rpm, 15000 rpm

Varying speeds are needed for optimal Ca(OH)2 filling. 15000 rpm was superior in apical third. 5000 rpm was superior in filling middle and cervical thirds.

  1. *indicates studies with varying MAF (Master Apical File) sizes for the sake of comparison.