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Table 1 Quality criteria based on those proposed by Terwee and colleagues[9]

From: Assessment of the quality of measures of child oral health-related quality of life


Quality criteria*

Content validity

+ a clear description is provided of the aim of the measure, the target population, concepts being measured and involvement of the target population and/or investigators or experts in item selection

? A clear description of the above is lacking or only target population involved or doubtful design or method

- No target population involvement

0 No information on target population

Internal consistency

+ Factor analyses on adequate sample size (7x the number of items and >100) and Cronbach’s alpha calculated per dimension and between 0.7 and 0.95

? No factor analysis or doubtful design or method

- Cronbach’s alpha <0.7 or >0.95

0 No information found on internal consistency

Criterion validity

+ Convincing argument that there is a “gold standard” and correlation >0.7

? No convincing argument that gold standard truly is “gold” or doubtful design or method

- Correlation with gold standard <0.7

0 No information on criterion validity

Construct validity

+ Specific hypotheses were formulated and at least 75% of the results are in accordance with these

? Doubtful design or method

- Less than 75% hypotheses confirmed

0 No information on construct validity



+ MIC > SDC or MIC outside LOA or convincing arguments that agreement is acceptable

? Doubtful design or method or above not fulfilled

- MIC > SDC or MIC equals or inside LOA

0 No information found on agreement


+ ICC or weighted Kappa >0.7

? Doubtful design or method (e.g. time interval not mentioned)

- ICC or weighted Kappa <0.7

0 No information on reliability


+ SDC < MIC or MIC outside LOA or RR > 1.96 or AUC > 0.7

? Doubtful design or method

- SDC > MIC or MIC equals or inside LOA or RR < 1.96 or AUC < 0.7

0 No information on responsiveness

Floor or ceiling effects

+ < 15% of the respondents achieved the highest or lowest scores

? Doubtful design or method

- > 15% of the respondents achieved the highest or lowest scores

0 No information found on interpretation


+ Mean and SD scores presented for at least four relevant subgroups of patients and MIC defined

? Doubtful design or method or less than four subgroups or no MIC defined


0 No information on interpretation

  1. MIC = Minimal important change; SDC = smallest detectable change; LOA = limits of agreement; ICC = intraclass correlation; SD = standard deviation.
  2. + = positive rating; ? = Indeterminate rating; - = negative rating; 0 = no information available. *Doubtful design or method = lacking a clear description of the design or methods of the study, sample size smaller then 50 subjects or any other important methodological weakness in design or execution of the study.