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Table 3 Percentage distributions of the responses to questions about management of avulsion by the educational qualifications

From: Knowledge about tooth avulsion and its management among dental assistants in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Specialized questions about avulsion and its management

Dental degree; n (%)

Non-dental degree; n (%)

N = 498; n (%)

If you were informed of an avulsion and that the tooth is dirty, what would you recommend?1

Wipe the tooth with tissue paper

3 (1.0)

16 (8.3)

19 (3.8)

Clean the tooth with a toothbrush

2 (0.7)

7 (3.6)

9 (1.8)

Rinse gently for a few seconds under running tap water without scrubbing it

298 (98.0)

146 (76.0)

444 (89.5)

I don’t know

1 (0.3)

23 (12.0)

24 (4.8)

How would you hold the tooth while washing it?2

Hold the crown only

283 (93.4)

144 (75.4)

427 (86.4)

Hold the root only

0 (0.0)

5 (2.6)

5 (1.0)

Hold the crown or root

16 (5.3)

23 (12.0)

39 (7.9)

I don’t know

4 (1.3)

19 (9.9)

23 (4.7)

Which storage media are suitable for storing an avulsed tooth?§

Tap water

62 (20.3)

36 (18.8)

98 (19.7)

Patient’s mouth/saliva

146 (47.7)

72 (37.5)

218 (43.8)

Tissue paper/cotton

13 (4.2)

11 (5.7)

24 (4.8)

Fresh milk

216 (70.6)

137 (71.4)

353 (70.9)

Saline solution

194 (63.4)

95 (49.5)

289 (58.0)

Antiseptic solution

20 (6.5)

15 (7.8)

35 (7.0)

Hank’s balanced salt solution

50 (16.3)

34 (17.7)

84 (16.9)

I don’t know

1 (0.3)

10 (5.2)

11 (2.2)

Which is the best storage medium?

Fresh milk

102 (33.3)

90 (46.9)

192 (38.6)

Patient’s mouth/saliva

84 (27.5)

27 (14.1)

111 (22.3)

Saline solution

74 (24.2)

42 (21.9)

116 (23.3)

Hank’s balanced salt solution

27 (8.8)

15 (7.8)

42 (8.4)


15 (4.8)

11 (5.8)

26 (5.2)

I don’t know

4 (1.3)

7 (3.6)

11 (2.2)

  1. §More than one answer was possible; therefore, the results are expressed as numbers and percentages of respondents answering each option; 12 missing values; 24 missing values.