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Table 1 Expansion of the Public Dental Service (PDS) and publicly subsidised private dental care in Finland 1970–2004 according to laws and regulations.

From: Oral Health Care Reform in Finland – aiming to reduce inequity in care provision


Public Dental Service

Subsidised private services


Expansion in coverage* from 0–1 -year and 6–12 -year-olds to 0–18 -year-olds

Subsidised care when necessary for general health


Expansion to 19–31 -year-olds. Some special needs groups included:

Basic dental care** subsidised for 19–31 year-olds


   Pregnant women, students, seamen



Expansion to 32–43 -year-olds. Some special needs groups included:

Expansion of the remunerations to 32–43 -year-olds. Some special needs groups included:


   Patients with radiation therapy to head and neck, World War II veterans

   Patients with radiation therapy to head and neck, World War II veterans (prosthetic care also included)


The whole population without age limitations given access to the PDS in 2001–2002

Subsidised basic care for the whole population introduced in 2001–2002

  1. * Inclusion of adult age groups into subsidized care has always been based on years of birth e.g. in 1980 adults born between 1961 and 1958 (18–31 years old) became eligible.
  2. **Basic care includes all dental treatments except prosthetics and orthodontics.