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Table 2 Dental Erosion prevalence in a sample of French adolescents (n = 331) according to the dental surfaces of permanent teeth examined

From: Dental erosion in French adolescents

Dental surfaces examined



Maxillary incisors a

Total BEWE ≥ 1

3.9 %

Maxillary incisors and occlusal surfaces of first molars b

Total BEWE ≥ 1

54.4 %

Maxillary incisors and first molars on all scorable surfaces c

Total BEWE ≥ 1

54.4 %

Incisors and first molars d

Total BEWE ≥ 1

55.0 %

Six upper and lower anterior teeth, occlusal surfaces of first molars e

Total BEWE ≥ 1

55.0 %

All teeth (all surfaces) f

Total BEWE ≥ 1

56.8 %

  1. a [7, 12, 23], b [5, 6, 9, 10, 16, 1921], c [4, 8, 11], d [24, 28, 32], e [3, 13, 22, 26, 31], f [2, 14, 15, 17, 18, 25, 29, 30, 34, 35]. BEWE Basic Erosive Wear Examination