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Table 5 Significant direct, indirect and total pathways between mood, toothpaste use and pain experience proposed within Model 2

From: Utilising daily diaries to examine oral health experiences associated with dentine hypersensitivity

Significant pathways

Direct pathways

Indirect pathways

Total pathways

β value

Bootstrap bias corrected 95 % CI

β value

Bootstrap bias corrected 95 % CI

β value

Bootstrap bias corrected 95 % CI

Negative mood → Use of sensitivity toothpaste

Negative mood → Pain frequency

Negative mood → Pain intensity

Negative mood → Pain intolerability

Negative mood → Pain bothersomeness






-.29 to .18

.05 to .42

-.06 to .37

-.07 to .45

-.00 to .42







-.09 to .05

.02 to .20

.01 to .16

.01 to .17






-.29 to .18

.02 to .43

.02 to .54

-.02 to .51

.06 to .50

Use of sensitivity toothpaste → Pain frequency

Use of sensitivity toothpaste → Pain intensity

Use of sensitivity toothpaste → Pain intolerability

Use of sensitivity toothpaste → Pain bothersomeness





.04 to .47









.02 to .25

.01 to .18

.02 to .20





.04 to .47

.02 to .25

.01 to .18

.02 to .20

Pain frequency → Pain intensity

Pain frequency → Pain intolerability

Pain frequency → Pain bothersomeness




.22 to .58

.07 to .45

.18 to .51










22 to .58

.07 to .45

.18 to .51

  1. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01