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Fig. 1 | BMC Oral Health

Fig. 1

From: Role of cathepsin S In periodontal wound healing–an in vitro study on human PDL cells

Fig. 1

a Wound closure of PDL cell monolayers in the presence or absence of CTSS (1 ng/μl) over 72 h. The wound closure, i.e., the percentage of cell coverage of the initially cell-free zones created by wounding, were analyzed by live cell imaging. Mean ± SEM. b Wound closure of PDL cell monolayers in the presence or absence of CTSS (1 ng/μl) at 0 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. Images from one representative donor are shown. c Average wound closure of PDL cell monolayers shown in a. Mean ± SEM (n = 26), * significant (p < 0.05) difference between groups

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