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Table 1 Description of Measures

From: Association between maternal acculturation and health beliefs related to oral health of Latino children



Oral Health Locus of Control (OHLOC) 3 subscales

OHLOC captures a person’s attitudes about who or what has control over their child’s oral health outcomes. There are 3 subscales, which represents the extent to which participants believe control of their child’s oral health outcomes lies with the parent (internal LOC), the dentist (powerful other LOC), or chance factors (chance LOC).

Health Belief Model 4 subscales

The Health Belief Model is one of the major models that have been used to explain health behavior. The model predicts that behavior is a function of 4 subscales - Perceived susceptibility, Perceived severity, Perceived barriers, Perceived benefits.


Self-efficacy represents a person’s confidence that he/she can successfully engage in a specific health behavior. Self-efficacy score represents how sure participants are that they can engage in recommended behavior to take care of their children’s teeth. Ten questions quantify this measure.

Oral Health Behavior

The overall behavior score represents the percentage of 13 oral health behavior items that were answered with an adherent response, where “adherent” means the participant engages in the recommended oral health behavior.

Oral Health Knowledge

The overall knowledge score represents the percentage of (how many) oral health knowledge items answered correctly. Nineteen questions quantify this measure.

Knowledge on dental utilization

Five items measured parental knowledge on utilization of oral health services for their children.