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Table 1 The correlation between the virtual and real position of abutment shoulder in the first (T1) and second (T2) clinical examination

From: Evaluation of concordance between CAD/CAM and clinical positions of abutment shoulder against mucosal margin: an observational study


Correlation between the virtual and real shoulder (T1) (p-value)

Correlation between the virtual and real shoulder (T2) (p-value)

Total (257)

0.37 (< 0.001)

0.34 (< 0.001)

Maxilla (164)

0.41 (< 0.001)

0.35 (< 0.001)

Mandible (93)

0.31 (< 0.001)

0.33 (< 0.001)

Incisors+canines (35)

0.54 (< 0.001)

0.46 (< 0.001)

Premolars (76)

0.36 (< 0.001)

0.40 (< 0.001)

Molars (146)

0.33 (< 0.001)

0.28 (< 0.001)

ø3.5 (187)

0.38 (< 0.001)

0.36 (< 0.001)

ø4.0 (9)

0.28 (0.09)

0.38 (0.01)

ø4.5 (50)

0.39 (< 0.001)

0.31 (< 0.001)

ø5.0 (11)

0.32 (0.02)

0.3 (0.04)