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Table 2 Summary of obstacles to determining the microbial etiology of caries

From: Are the mutans streptococci still considered relevant to understanding the microbial etiology of dental caries?

Obstacle or Confounder

Sampling Choices

 - saliva instead of dental plaque

 - plaque pooled from sites of caries and intact enamel

 - microbiology of carious sites can vary considerably over small distances

Substrate Susceptibility

 - tooth sites may vary in susceptibility to dental plaque of similar composition

Caries Process

 - the microbiology of caries evolves as the lesion progresses in severity

Genetic Contributions

 - salivary composition and constituents may elevate or depress caries risk

Determination of the Plaque Microbiome

 - culture-based methods have a narrow focus

 - next generation sequencing outcomes may differ from lab to lab analyzing the same sample

 - 16S gene-based sequencing poorly differentiates species of oral streptococci

Biological Significance

 - little evidence for what constitutes biologically significant levels of individual plaque species

Caries Incidence

 - the microbial basis for occasional caries may typically differ from that for rampant caries