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Table 1 School prevention and education logic model

From: Impact evaluation of a school-based oral health program: Kuwait National Program




Short-term outcomes

Intermediate outcomes

Long-term outcomes


Prevention team leader

Prevention teams:

• Dentists

• Hygienists

• Dental Assistants.

Location: schools

Provide fluoride varnish (FL), Fissure sealants (FS)

Children with FL and FS protection

1. Increase proportion of the child population is protected with FL and FS

Lower incidence of decay

Lower incidence of OH related disease

Improve OHR-QoL among children


Education team leader

Education teams:

• Dentists

• Hygienists

Location: Schools

Education sessions at schools, (children, mothers, teachers).

Participate in school activities

Knowledgeable teachers, parents and children

1. Increase number of schools in the program

2. Increase number of enrolled children in the program

3. Increased OH knowledge in children, teachers, and parents

Improve OH behavior of children, teachers, and parents

Lower incidence of OH related disease

Improved OHR-QoL among mothers’ and children