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Table 1 Study protocol

From: Effect of concentrated growth factors on frequency of alveolar Osteitis following partially-erupted mandibular third molar surgery: a randomized controlled clinical study

Surgical Protocol

 •  Blood collection from patient

 •  Elevation of an envelope flap under local anesthesia

 •  Bone removal; tooth luxation and extraction; socket irrigation

   CGF group;

    • CGF fibrin gel placement in the extraction socket

   Non-CGF group;

    • Natural healing after extraction

 •  Wound closure on both sides

 •  Prescription of antibiotic and anti-inflammatory analgesic

 •  Providing postoperative instructions

Postoperative Follow-up Protocol

 •  Clinical evaluation on 3rd and 7th days

 •  In the case of AO development; Socket curretage, intra-alveolar dressing