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Table 1 Eligibility criteria

From: Barriers and facilitators to dental care access among asylum seekers and refugees in highly developed countries: a systematic review


People seeking asylum, refugees and those under subsidiary or humanitarian protection (as per the UNHCR’s 1951 Geneva convention definition), dental healthcare professionals and other stakeholders working with, or supporting this population group

Phenomenon of interest

Experience of displacement


Barriers and facilitators to accessing dental care

Types of study

Inclusion: Qualitative research studies (including those which are components of mixed methods evaluations if the qualitative findings were clearly distinguishable)

Exclusion: Quantitative studies (without qualitative component), narrative reviews, letters, commentaries and editorials, conference proceedings

Location of study

Inclusion: Studies conducted and focusing on access to dental care in countries of very high Human Development Index (HDI) [18] (Additional file 1)

Exclusion: Studies conducted in countries of high, low or medium HDI