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Table 5 Case-based memo

From: Experiences of oral health: before, during and after becoming a regular user of GC Tooth Mousse Plus®

Memo written after interview with ID4, female, 55–64 years old, brittle teeth and sensitivity

This was a very inspirational interview: this lady has such a positive attitude despite all difficulties she faced from childhood to becoming a single mother. She started using TMP because she had brittle and very weak teeth since her childhood. She has also experienced dentine hypersensitivity and had undergone expensive dental treatment in the past. One of her motivations to apply TMP daily is to avoid “big bills” at the dentist

Someone who was important during her journey with TMP was a local dentist and co-worker at a country town community health centre—that dentist was the first influencer on her starting using the product. After 6 months of using TMP, she went for a dental check-up and that was the first time in her life she did not need a new restoration done—from that moment she was “sold”. According to her, that day had a massive impact in her life (financially and emotionally): being a single mother, she could no longer afford sparing “a lot of money” for restoring her teeth which were “breaking down” all the time. Consequently, she became TMP greatest advocate in the rural community. She loves this product and encourages her family and friends to use it

She truly believes TMP has saved her teeth as they were very brittle and chipped so easily. Her oral health before and after TMP has changed dramatically. She is now confident that her teeth will last through her retirement, if not all but most of them; and for her that means having a renewed confidence in what she can do daily (applying TMP) to take control of her oral health and keep her teeth for life