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Table 2 Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes regarding oral assessment and dental referral

From: Factors associated with nurses’ performance of oral assessments and dental referrals for hospital inpatients


A, n = 245

B, n = 185

C, n = 167

D, n = 83

E, n = 77

Total, n = 757


n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)


Do you know about the usage of oral assessment tools?

1) Usage of the OHAT (Oral health assessment tool)


27 (11.0%)

79 (42.7%)

14 (8.4%)

60 (72.3%)

7 (9.1%)

187 (24.7%)


2) Usage of the OAG (Oral assessment guide)


35 (14.3%)

14 (7.6%)

12 (7.2%)

10 (12.0%)

5 (6.5%)

76 (10.0%)


Do you feel that nurses should perform oral assessment for oral health care?


238 (97.1%)

173 (93.5%)

158 (94.6%)

79 (95.2%)

68 (88.3%)

716 (94.6%)


Do you feel that nurses should perform dental referral for their patients?


229 (93.5%)

129 (69.7%)

141 (84.4%)

63 (75.9%)

55 (71.4%)

617 (81.5%)


  1. *Chi-squared test
  2. **Total percentages of nurses choosing “Strongly agree” and “Somewhat agree”