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Fig. 4 | BMC Oral Health

Fig. 4

From: Standardization of three-dimensional pose of cylindrical implants from intraoral radiographs: a preliminary study

Fig. 4

a Accuracy was measured as the difference between two sets of angles (three angles of rotations) obtained comparing cylindrical implants on real radiographs versus phantom projection on virtual radiographs. Data were represented as scatter (empty points) and box-and-whisker plot (the box line represents the lower. median. and upper quartile values; the whisker lines include the rest of the data). Outliers (solid points) were data with values beyond the ends of the whiskers. b Linear dependence between registered length of the implant as it appears in the radiograph and length as obtained by means of the angular correction factor (CF). The dashed line represents the robust fit (equation and adjusted coefficient of determination are indicated in the graph)

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