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Fig. 1 | BMC Oral Health

Fig. 1

From: A four-hypoxia-genes-based prognostic signature for oral squamous cell carcinoma

Fig. 1

The consensus clustering analysis of OSCC samples in TCGA based on mRNA expression of hypoxia-related genes. a Elbow graph that determines the optimal number of clusters. The horizontal axis is the number of clusters K, and the vertical axis is the sum of squared errors (SSE). The point where the decline tends to be gentle is the optimal number of clusters. b Cluster dendrogram of OSCC samples. Different colors refer to different clusters. c Heat map of the expression of hypoxia-related genes in different clusters. X-axis and Y-axis refers to genes and samples, respectively. The red color represents high expression, and the green color  represents low expression. The age and sex of the sample are marked with different colors above the heat map. d The principal component (PCA) analysis. The dots with different colors refer to samples in different groups. The distance of the dots revealed the similarity of the hypoxia-related gene expression. The P value is obtained  from the log-rank test

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