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Table 1 The clinical and radiographic criteria used to diagnose AA, CA and AAP

From: Thermography as a non-ionizing quantitative tool for diagnosing periapical inflammatory lesions





Clinical criteria

Throbbing and pain to light pressure, biting, touching and percussion accompanied by tenderness to palpation and mobility of the tooth. Intra-oral and/or extra-oral swelling may be present

Presence of a draining sinus on the oral mucosa or occasionally on the facial skin not usually associated with pain

Spontaneous pain, extreme sensitivity to heat and cold, awakening at night and considerable tenderness to percussion and pressure on the tooth

Radiographic criteria

No evidence of periapical changes or a slight thickening of the periodontal ligament space

Periapical radiolucent area related to the apex of the tooth

Widening of the periodontal ligament space and loss of lamina dura around the apex