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Table 1 Educational content and methods of training sessions in the case group of schoolchildren

From: Effect combined learning on oral health self-efficacy and self-care behaviors of students: a randomized controlled trial



Training method

One knowledge

Providing primary information about dental and oral health to students:The importance of oral hygiene, the role and use of teeth, tooth structure, number and types of teeth, how tooth decay, factors affecting dental health, ways to prevent tooth decay, how to use toothbrushes, how to use dental floss and mouthwash, time to see a dentist

Film, photographic slides, educational booklet, question and answer

Two (self-care)

Assessing oral and dental health, self-care of students: determining the objectives, setting a timetable, learning necessary skills, the importance of brushing to remove dental plaque, the definition of plaque and how tooth decay, the frequency of brushing, the duration of brushing, choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste, how to use floss, useful and harmful foods to teeth in the form of an animation

Group discussion, lecture, animation

Three behavior

Telling students how to Brush, the use of dental floss and mouthwash, diet, healthy life style and etc. To keep this behavior going, students were asked to check their brushing teeth in the behavior chart. Then the use of dental floss was taught and a group game "Saying on the phone" was held, students were divided into two groups and placed in two rows. To the first person of each group, a sentence was said, and they were asked to slowly repeat this sentence in the next person's ear, respectively, the last person had to say the sentence completely and correctly to the instructor. Each group did this faster, won the game. In the next step the use of mouthwash was explained and the mouthwash was practically used and the animation was displayed too. Proper use of toothbrushes, floss and mouthwash was shown in 5 min with animation

Practical education, game, animation

Four self-efficacy

In addition to educational animation, games were used to practice oral and dental health skills in different situations like tiredness, disease, party, etc. Skills were learned in a variety of situations including time of fatigue, illness, lack of toothbrushes, and playing and attending a party were performed by the students themselves in a pantomime format so that the activity was performed by one student. And the other students guessed what the situation was and expressed their views on the situation. Also, the student behavior chart was reviewed a week ago, and the importance of behavior was recalled, and students were asked to find ways to recall behavior by conducting group discussions, and at the end of the discussion, repetitive topics were removed and final comments such as "Let's ask Dad and Mom to remind us" or "Put a toothbrush picture on the wall of the room." The animation was then displayed. The animation showed the importance of permanent teeth, the important of six teeth, fluoride therapy and fissure sealant, seeing a dentist and emphasizing the regular use of toothbrushes and toothpaste in 3 min. Also, it was handed over to the students to see with the family in order to repeat the lessons at home and the family's access to the educational materials of the CD animation

Animation, game, group discussion