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Fig. 5 | BMC Oral Health

Fig. 5

From: Efficacy of Er:YAG laser irradiation for decontamination and its effect on biocompatibility of different titanium surfaces

Fig. 5

Decontamination efficacy of Er:YAG laser irradiation with different energy settings detected by live/dead bacterial fluorescent staining and colony counting assay against SLA and HA titanium surfaces. a CLSM photos of live/dead cells on titanium surface before and after laser decontamination; live bacteria were stained as green and dead bacteria stained as red. Black spots (BS) represent the irradiation spots and fluorescent parts (FP) area represents non-irradiation areas. b, c CFU counting results of SLA and HA titanium surfaces. The percentage of residual bacteria was calculated by the CFU ratio between the laser irradiation group and EC group. (EC = experimental control group)

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