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Table 1 Key characteristics of the included randomized clinical trials in this systematic review

From: Oral lichen planus: comparative efficacy and treatment costs—a systematic review

Topical steroids

Reference Study


Comparative agent

No. of pts




Outcome measure



Efficacy Comparison

Level of evidence


Bakhtiari [27]

Dex solution 0.5 mg/5 mL


30; Dex: 15, PDT:15

Bx-proven clinical OLP

2 wks


VAS, Thongprasom clinical score, clinical severity index

No significant difference between the two gps in efficacy index, sign score, symptom score or clinical severity on post-treatment days 15, 30, 60 and 90; Decreases in symptoms statistically significant in both (p-value NS)

PDT: 3 pts-pain from manipulation of the probe tip

Dex = PDT

High risk of bias

Hambly [28]

Dex solution 0.5 mg/5 mL

Dex solution 0.5 mg/5 mL self-compounded

9; Dex:4, Dex self-compounded: 5; then cross-over

Symptomatic OLP

7 wks


VAS, TSQM-9, photos, self-assessment

TSQM-9 revealed the compounded mouth rinse more favorable than the self-formulation rinse, with a mean improv. in convenience of therapy (22.25%), onset of action (8.48%), and attained symptom relief (4.18%) (p-value NS)


Commercial dex > self-formulated dex

High risk of bias

Mirza [29]

Dex solution 0.5 mg/5 mL


45; 15 in each group (dex, LLLT, PDT)

Erosive OLP

4 wks


VAS and clinical score

Significant difference in sign score changes before and after the treatment in the PDT group (p = 0.03), LLLT group (p = 0.04) and in dex group (p = 0.02); statistically significant difference between PDT (p = 0.001) and LLLT (p = 0.001) against dex group before and after treatment. Mean improv. in pain significantly greater in dex group in comparison with the PDT and LLLT gps (p < 0.001). Efficacy index of PDT group improved significantly more than the LLLT (p = 0.001) and corticosteroid gps (p = 0.001)


VAS: Dex > LLLT = PDT;Efficacy: PDT > LLLT = Dex

High risk of bias


Rödström [33]

Clo oint. 0.05%

TA paste 0.1%

40; 20 in each

Erosive OLP

9 wks

BIDx3wks, QDx 3wks, once every other dayx3 wks

VAS and 4-point clinical score

Clo more effective than TA at 3 wks (p < 0.05). No significant difference following 6 and 9 wks of treatment


Clo > TA (at 3 wks); Clo = TA (6 & 9 wks)

Low risk of bias

Muzio [30]

Clo oint. 0.05%

Clo in analgesic base vs. Clo in denture paste

24; 8 in each

Bx-proven OLP

2 wks



Clo effective in each group (p < 0.05)

candidiasis (number NS)

Clo oint = Clo + analgesic base = Clo + denture paste

Low risk of bias

Carbone [31]

Clo oint. 0.025%

Clo oint. 0.05%

35; 15 in

Bx- proven symptomatic OLP

8 wks


VAS and clinical score

VAS improved in both (p = 0.001); clinical score improved (p < 0.05 in both gps). No statistically significant differences b/w gps


Clo oint 0.025% = clo oint 0.05%

Low risk of bias

Kaur [32]

Clo oint. 0.025%

TC oint. 0.1%

40; 20 in each

Bx- proven symptomatic OLP

4 wks


Symptom and clinical grading score

Improv. in both groups. No statistically significant differences b/w gps


Clo oint. 0.025% = TC oint. 0.1%

Low risk of bias

Arduino [8]

Clo gel 0.05%


32; 16 in each group


8 wks


VAS and 4-point clinical score

Clo: reduction in VAS and clinical score in tx (p = 0.005)

Clo: 1 pt-GERD; 1pt- mild elevated FBS; placebo: 1pt- skin rxn

Clo > placebo

Low risk of bias


Voute [10]

Fluocinonide oint. 0.025%


40; 20 in each group

Bx- proven OLP

9 wks

6 × daily

VAS; 4-point clinical score

Statistically significant improv. in fluocinonide group objectively (p = 0.0013) and symptoms (p = 0.008)


Flu > placebo

Low risk of bias

Carbone [34]

Fluocinonide oint 0.025%

Clo oint. 0.05% vs. placebo

60 (Flu:25, Clo:24, placebo:11)

Atrophic-erosive symptomatic OLP

24 wks

TIDx 8wks; BIDx 8wks; QDx 4 wks

Objective and subjective clinical progress score

Clo more effective in atrophic areas (75% vs 25% of total response, respectively) (p = 0.004)


Clo > Flu

Low risk of bias


Sieg et al. [43]

TA paste 0.1%

Cyclosporin oily liquid preparation

13; CsA:6, TA:7

Bx-proven OLP

6 wks


7-point mucosal lesion scoring

Clinical improv. in both gps, no statistically significant difference between gps (no p-value)

CsA: precipitation of waxy particles during 'swishing' the oily solution; TA: 3 pts- burning

TA = CsA

Some concerns

Ungrouphaiboon et al. [35]

TA paste 0.1%

TA solution 0.1%

20; TA paste:11, TA rinse:9

Bx-proven symptomatic OLP

4 wks


Clinical response: none, partial (1–33% reduction in lesion), good (34–99% lesion reduction, complete response

No statistically significant difference b/w 2 gps

TA paste group: 2 pts- oral candidiasis

TA paste = TA rinse

Some concerns

Laeijendecker et al. [38]

TA oint 0.1%

TC oint. 0.1%

40; 20 in each


6 wks


Reduction in pain

TA: 6 pts healed, 12 showed improv.; TC: 2 pts healed, 7 improved. Initial results better in TC group (p = 0.007)

Temporary pain and burning sensation in both gps


Some concerns

Malhotra et al. [67]

TA paste 0.1%

Oral betamethasone mini pulse (5 mg twice/wk)

49 (TA: 24, BM: 25)

Bx-proven symptomatic OLP

24 wks

TA: TID × 12 wks, BID × 4 wks, QD × 4 wks, alternate days × 4 wks; BM: 5 mg × 12 wks, 4 mg × 4 wks; 3 mg x 4wks; 2 mg × 4 wks

Clinical score (based on number of sites and area affected) and change in symptoms

Clinical score: reduction in severity score more in TA group (p = .026); No statistical difference in symptomatic improv. b/w 2 gps

TA group: 5 pts-candidiasis, 1 pt epigastric discomfort; BM group: 7 pts- facial edema, 7 pts epigastric discomfort, 5 pts-fatigue, 4 pts hand/foot edema, 1pt diabetes mellitus

Clinical score: TA > ; Symptoms: TA = BM

High risk of bias

Mansourian et al. [47]

TA paste 0.1%

AV solution

46; 23 in each

Bx-proven OLP

4 wks


VAS, Thongprasom score, lesion size (grid)

Both AV and TA significantly reduced VAS, Thongprasom score and lesion size (p < 0.001). No significant difference b/w 2 gps



Low risk of bias

Handa [37]

TA paste 0.1%

Fluticasone propionate spray 0.05%

40; 20 in each group

Symptomatic OLP

8 wks, 2 wks washout, 8 wks crossover

TA: QID; Fluticasone: 50 μg, 2 dose unit BID

Clinical scoring, VAS, OHIP-14

No statistically significant difference b/w 2 gps (p value NS)


TA = fluticasone spray

Some concerns

Amanat et al. [54]

TA paste 0.1% in orabase

Cryotherapy (NO)

30 (one side intervention, the other side control)

Bx-proven, bilateral OLP

4 wks


Lesion size, RPAE score

Both treatments reduced the sign scores and severity significantly (p < 0.05), no significant differences between gps (p > 0.05)

Cryotherapy: 17 pts- minor swelling. 12 pts- pain in first 7–10 days

TA = cryotherapy

High risk of bias

Kia et al. [48]

TA paste 0.1%

Curcumin paste 5%

50; 25 in each group

Clinical and bx-proven OLP

4 wks


VAS and Thongprasom score

No significant difference between the two gps in VAS (VAS at baseline: p = 0.17; VAS two weeks later: p = 0.3; VAS four weeks later: p = 0.46) or Thongprasom score (baseline: p = 0.77, two weeks later: p = 0.92, four weeks later: p = 0.31)

Curcumin: burning sensation, itching, mild swelling and xerostomia, yellow gingiva; TA: 1 burning and 1 mucosal desquamation

TA = Curcumin

Some concerns

Sivaraman et al. [36]

TA paste 0.1%

Clo oint. 0.05%, vs. TC oint. 0.03%

30; 10 in each of the 3 gps

Atrophic, ulcerative OLP

6 wks


Reduction in lesion size

TA and Clo: significant reduction in lesion size than Tac gp; overall better results with Clo (p = 0.005)


Clo > TA > TC

Some concerns

Thomas et al. [49]

TA paste 0.1%

Curcumin gel 1% TID vs. curcumin gel 6x/d

75; 25 in each of the 3 gps

Bx-proven symptomatic OLP

12 wks

TA: TID; curcumin: TID; 6x/d

Numerical Rating Score (burning) and Modified Oral Mucositis Index

Reduction in burning and erythema/ulceration (p < 0.001) in all 3 gps. TA showed max. reduction in burning sensation (77% change) and erythema/ulceration (67% change) (p < 0.001)


TA > curcumin gel 1% 6x > curcumin gel 1% TID

High risk of bias

Singh et al. [40]

TA paste 0.1%

Dapsone 100 mg vs. TC oint. 0.1% vs. topical retinoid (type NS)

40; 10 in each of the 4 gps

Reticular, erosive, atrophic, plaque-like OLP

12 wks


Symptoms and signs scored according to Raj et al. and Kaliakatsou et al. scales

All clinical improv. (p < 0.05), steroidal and non-steroidal agents had equal efficacy. Of the non-steroidal drugs, oral dapsone had greater efficacy than topical retinoid (p < 0.05); no significant differences between oral dapsone and topical tacrolimus (p > 0.05) or between topical retinoid and TC (p > 0.05)

Mild tingling in the oral cavity in patients treated with topical agents

Dapsone > TA = TC = retinoid

Some concerns

Siponen et al. [39]

TA paste 0.1%

TC oint. 0.1% vs. placebo

18; TA: 7, TC: 11, placebo: 9

Bx-proven symptomatic OLP

9 wks


VAS and clinical score

Reduction in both TC and TA gps as compared to placebo (p = 0.012 and 0.031). No statistically significant difference b/w 2 gps

TA: 3 pts-burning, tingling, gingival tenderness, 2 pts-candidiasis


Low risk of bias

Li et al. [1]

TA paste 0.1%

S. Salivarius K12 lozenge

40; 20 in each

Symptomatic OLP

4 wks

TA: TID; Lozenges: BID

Sign scores and VAS

No statistical difference was observed between two gps after 4-week treatment in sign scores (p = 0.063) or VAS (p = 0.698)


TA = S. Salivarius K12

High risk of bias

Bakshi et al. [27]

TA solution 0.1%

Nanocurcumin gel 1%

31; 17 in TA + placebo, 14 in TA + NC

Symptomatic OLP

4 wks


REU score and efficacy index

Both had significant improv. in REU score and efficacy score, TA + NC group significantly better in both measures than TA + placebo (p < 0.001)


Nanocurcumin gel > TA

Low risk of bias


Tyldesley and Harding[11]

BM valerate aerosol (2 puffs/dose); daily dose: 800/ug


23; BM: 12, placebo: 11

Symptomatic OLP

8 wks


Lesion size, discomfort/pain

BM: improv. of lesion size and pain in 8 vs. 2 in placebo (p < 0.05)

BM: 1 pt-oral candidiasis

BM > placebo

Low risk of bias


Thongprasom et al. [7]

Fluocinolone acetonide 0.025% in orabase

TA 0.1% in orabase

40; 20 in each

Bx-proven OLP

4 wks


5-point Thongprasom clinical score

Fl: lesions in 13/19 pts effectively cured, TA: 8/19 pts cured (p < 0.05)

Oral candidiasis: Fl- 9 pts; TA-4pts

Fluocinolone > TA

High risk of bias

Calcineurin inhibitors



Radfar et al. [55]

TC oint. 0.1%

Clobetasol gel 0.05%

29; TC:15, clo:14

Erosive OLP

6 wks

QID x 2wk; TID X 2wk; BID X1 wk; QHS × 1 wk

Complete resolution of the clinical signs and symptoms

82.6% in tacrolimus and 81.6% in the clobetasol group – improv., (p < .0001)

Discomfort, burning and tingling

TC > Clo

Low risk of bias

Corrocher et al. [56]

TC oint. 0.1%

Clobetasol oint. 0.05%

32; 16 in each


4 wks


Pain severity, burning sensation, 4-point clinical score

TC group- low median pain score p < 0.001; Clo group- low pain score p < 0.05 but mild increase in the median severity scores


TC > Clo

Low risk of bias

Sonthalia and Singal [57]

TC oint. 0.1%

Clobetasol oint. 0.05%

40; 20 in each


8 wks


VAS, Clinical score

VAS and clinical score decreased (p < 0.05) in both gps, but no significant diff b/w 2 gps

Burning and increased sensitivity

TC = Clo

Low risk of bias

Vohra et al. [59]

TC oint. 0.1%

PI cream 1%

40; 20 in each

Erosive, OLP

8 wks


Clinical score

Significant reduction in the clinical severity score in both pimecrolimus and tacrolimus (p < 0.05)



Low risk of bias

Hettiarachchi et al. [58]

TC cream 0.1%

Clobetasol cream 0.05%

68; 34 in each


3 wks


VAS, Thongprasom clinical response

TC: mean pain score dropped by 1.59 (R) and 1.53 (L), clinical score reduced by 1.18 (R) and 1.0 (L); Clo: VAS drop by 0.94(R) and 0.85 (L) & clinical score reduced by 0.5 (R) and 0.26 (L) (p < 0.05)


TC > Clo

Low risk of bas


Swift et al. [12]

PI cream 1%


20; 10 in each

Erosive OLP

4 wks


Lesion size, VAS

PI more effective; VAS decreased (p = 0.02)


PI > Placebo

Low risk of bias

Passeron et al. [13]

PI cream 1%


12; 6 in each

Erosive OLP

4 wks


12-point clinical score & VAS

PI effective; Mean score 6.83 on day 0 vs. 3.33 on day 28 in PI arm (p = 0.04)

PI: 2 pts transient burning sensation

PI > Placebo

Low risk of bias

Gorouhi et al. [41]

PI cream 1%

TA cream 0.1%

40; 20 in each

OLp > 8 yrs

8 wks


VAS, OHIP score & objective clinical score

No significant difference b/w 2 arms in VAS (p = 0.70), OHIP (p = 0.38), clinical score (p = 0.86)

PI: 2pts- transient burning; TA: none


Low risk of bias

Volz et al. [14]

PI cream 1%


20; 10 in each

Erosive OLP

4 wks


Composite score (mucosal erosions and pain sensation)

Composite score reduced in PI arm (p = 0.025)

PI: 4 pts-burning sensation, 1 pt- mucosal paresthesia; Placebo:1 pt- mucosal paresthesia

PI > Placebo

Low risk of bias

McCaughey et al. [15]

PI cream 1%


21; PI: 10, placebo: 11

Erosive OLP

6 wks


Investigator’s Global Assessment of severity, pain, erosion size

PI superior in reducing mean pain and erosion size (mean size 11.10 at baseline vs. 3.70 at week 6) (p = 0.02)


PI > Placebo

Low risk of bias

Arduino et al. [9]

PI cream 1%

TC oint. 0.1%

30; 15 in each

Topical steroid refractory OLP

8 wks


Symptomatic improv., therapeutic effectiveness

Both effective; no statistically significant difference b/w 2 arms

PI: 2pts- xerostomia, 2pts-GERD, 1pt-herpes labialis; TC: 2pts burning,


Low risk of bias

Arunkumar et al. [46]

PI cream 1%

TA paste 0.1%

30; 15 in each

Bx-proven symptomatic OLP

8 wks


VAS, mean clinical score and erythematous area

Reduced clinical score in PI arm (p < 0.01); no statistically significant diff in reduction of VAS (p = 0.18) & erythema (p = 0.07)


Clinical score: PI > TA; VAS: PI = TA

Low risk of bias

Pakfetrat et al. [42]

PI cream 1%

TA cream 0.1%

28; 14 in each

Atrophic-erosive OLP

8 wks


Thongprasom lesion scoring, VAS

Both effective; No statistically significant difference



Low risk of bias

Ezzatt and Helmy [60]

PI cream 1%

Betamethasone valerate cream 0.1%

30; 15 in each

Atrophic-erosive OLP

4 wks


Clinical score, VAS

Both showed reduction in clinical score and VAS (p < 0.001) but no statistically significant diff b/w 2 arms in 4 wks; PI: 33% clinical score reduction, 57.5% VAS reduction; BM:13.9% clinical score reduction and 30.6% VAS reduction after 1 wk

PI: 4 pts-burning,2 pts-dysguesia; BM: 2pts-burning, 1pt-dysguesia


Low risk of bias


Eisen et al. [16]

CsA solution 100 mg/ml


16; 8 in each

Bx-proven symptomatic OLP

8 wks


Pain (4-grade scale), erosion (4-grade scale)

CsA: improv. in erythema (p = 0.003), erosion (p = 0.02), reticulation (p = 0.007), pain (p = 0.002)

CsA: transient burning on swishing in all pts

CsA > placebo

Low risk of bias

Harpenau et al. [17]

CsA solution 100 mg/ml


14; 7 in each

Bx-proven erosive OLP

4 wks


VAS; lesion character (ulcer, erythema & reticulation) & size

CsA: significant reduction in erythema, ulceration, and VAS; p-value NS


CsA > placebo

Low risk of bias

Lopez [61]

CsA solution 1%

TA solution 0.1%

20; 10 in each

Bx proven OLP

8 wks


Symptom, erosion and erythema score

CsA: greater decrease of symptoms (90% vs. 60% in TA), erythema and erosion; p-value NS


CsA > TA

Low risk of bias

Femiano et al. [63]

CsA solution 100 mg/ml

IM sul 600 IU, then oral doses 250 IU

20; 10 in each

Topical steroid recalcitrant bx-proven OLP

4 wks


Pain relief, clinical resolution of erosion/ulceration

Sulodexide more effective- clinical resolution faster than CsA at a mean of 36 days and pain resolution in 90% by mean 6.4 days (p < 0.004)

CsA: None; Sul: vertigo, vomiting and hot flushes

Sul > CsA

High risk of bias

Yoke et al. [44]

CsA solution 100 mg/ml

TA paste 0.1%

139; CY: 68; TA:71

Bx proven OLP

8 wks


VAS; Thongprasom clinical grading

No statistically significant difference b/w two arms

TA: 3 pts- transient burning; CsA: 14 pts- burning; 4 pts- GI upset; 1pt- lip swelling & itching

CsA = TA

Low risk of bias

Thongprasom et al. [45]

CsA solution 100 mg/ml

TA paste 0.1%

13; CsA:6, TA:7

Bx proven symptomatic OLP

8 wks


VAS, Thongprasom clinical grading (5-point)

No statistically significant differences b/w 2 gps

CsA: 5 pts- burning sensation, itching, swelling lips, petechial hemorrhage; TA: None

CsA = TA

Low risk of bias

Georgaki et al. [62]

CsA solution 100 mg/ml

Dex rinse 0.5 mg/5 ml

32; 16 in each

Bx proven symptomatic OLP

4 wks


VAS; Thongprasom clinical grading, dysphagia and speech difficulties

Dex: better in clinical scoring (p = 0.001). No significant diff b/w 2 gps in improv. of pain, dysphagia and speech difficulties


ClinicaL score: Dex > CsA; VAS: Dex = CsA

Low risk of bias

Other topical agents



Verma [52]

AX paste 5%

TA paste 0.1%

60; 30 in each

Symptomatic reticular/erosive OLP

12 wks


VAS; clinical sign stage: erythematous areas, white striae + lesion size

TA more effective > AX. AX: 60% reduction in the clinical sign stage & TA: 98% reduction (p < 0.05); VAS = no significant difference


Clinical score: TA > AX; VAS: TA = AX

Low risk of bias


Giustina et al. [18]

isotretinoin gel 0.1%


22;11 in each

Ulcerated lichen planus

8 wks


Reduction in pain and erythema-severity scale (0–5)

Significant improv. in topical retinoid group with statistically significant (p < .002); Reduction in severity scale 3.0 to 1.7 after 8 weeks

Burning and superficial desquamation

Isoretinoin > Placebo

Low risk of bias

Petruzzi et al. [20]

Tazarotene cream 0.1%


12; 6 in each

Hyperkeratotic OLP

8 wks


6-degree score scale, reduction in lesion

4 patients healed, 2 patients improved in tazarotene and 5 patients with no improv. and 1 worsening (p = 0.0049)

Burning, taste abnormalities

Tazarotene > Placebo

Low risk of bias

Piattelli et al. [19]

Isotretinoin gel 0.1%


20; 10 in each

Bx proven OLP

16 wks


Complete healing of the lesions

Isoretinoin: 60% complete healing (p = 0.029)


Isoretinoin > Placebo

Low risk of bias


Bacci et al. [21]

Tocopherol acetate (gelly formulation)


33; Tocopherol = 17, Placebo = 16; then cross-over

Bx-proven reticular OLP

4 wks, 2 wk washout, 4 wks crossover


VAS, length of striae, surface area of lesion, Thongprasom score

Significant difference in surface area of lesion (p = 0.0045) and Thongprasom score (p = 0.0052) in tocopherol group


Tocopherol > Placebo

Low risk of bias




Ahuja et al. [65]

Intralesional triamcinolone (10 mg/ml)

PRP 0.5 ml

20; 10 in each

Erosive OLP

8 wks

Weekly injection—for 2 to 4 months

VAS, reduction in erythema and size of the lesions

Statistically significant reduction in both gps (p < 0.005); no significant difference b/w 2 gps

Intralesional TA: Erythema in 1 pt; PRP: increased VAS score in 1 pt


Low risk of bias


Xiong et al. [64]

Bacillus Calmette–Guerin polysaccharide nucleic acid (BCG‐PSN)

Intralesional triamcinolone (10 mg/ml)

56; BCG-PSN = 31 & TA = 25

Bx-proven erosive OLP

2 wks

BCG-PSN: every other day. TA: every week

VAS & measured erosive areas

No statistical differences b/w 2 gps in erosive areas (p = 0.801) and VAS scores (p = 0.946)

Burning/swelling at injection site in 9.7% of BCG-PSN group and 8% in TA group


Low risk of bias

Systemic Therapies


Systemic retinoids

Hersle et al. [22]

Etretinate 25 mg


28; 14 in each

Bx-proven OLP for atleast 6 mths

8 wks


4-point clinical scoring

Etretinate: 93% improv. vs. 5% in placebo (p < 0.001)

Etretinate: all pts- skin and mucosa dryness; 6 pts-keratoconjunctivitis, rash, headache, itchiness & hair loss

Etretinate > Placebo

Some concerns


Lin et al. [66]

Levamisole 50 mg

(Levamisole + vit B12) and (Vit B12 only)

147; 100 in L + B12 gp, 37 in L gp, & 10 in B12 gp


2–50 months (mean = 14)

BID if 30–50 kg or TID if 50–70 kg, for 3 days at 2 wk interval

Size & distribution of lesions, pain & burning symptoms

L only group & L + B12 group: 100% objective & subjective improv.; Vit B12 alone: 13% improv. in symptoms and 20% improv. in signs (p-value NS)


Levamisole = Levamisole + B12 > B12 only

High risk of bias

Natural alternative


Lycopene (systemic)

Saawaran et al. [23]

Lycopene 4 mg


30; 15 in each

Bx proven symptomatic OLP

8 wks


VAS; Tel Aviv-San Francisco scale

Lycopene: 84% VAS reduction, 100% showed > 50% benefit; Placebo: 67% VAS reduction, 66.6% showed > 50% benefit (p < 0.05)


Lycopene > Placebo

Low risk of bias

Ignatia (topical)

Mousavi et al. [24]

Ignatia 30C liquid


30; 15 in each

Bx proven atrophic/erosive OLP

12 wks


VAS and mean lesion size (cm)

Ignatia more effective; Ignatia: mean lesion size- 2.2 cm, VAS-13 mm; Placebo: mean lesion size-4 cm, VAS-40 mm (p < 0.05)


Ignatia > Placebo

Low risk of bias

Aloe Vera (topical)

Choonhakarn et al. [25]

AV gel 70%


54; 27 in each

Bx proven OLP

8 wks


VAS and Thongprasom clinical scale

AV: improved clinical response in 88% and improved burning in 33% vs. 4% in placebo group (p < 0.001)


AV > Placebo

Low risk of bias

Salazar-Sánchez et al. [26]

AV gel 70%- 0.4 ml/dose


64; 32 in each

Bx proven OLP

12 wks


VAS, Thongprasom clinical scale, OHIP-49

No statistically significant diff in VAS and clinical score at 12 wk; AV showed improv. in total OHIP score (p = 0.046)


AV = Placebo

Low risk of bias

Reddy et al. [51]

AV gel 70%

TA 0.1% paste

40; 20 in each

Erosive & atrophic OLP

8 wks


VAS & clinical score

AV: clinical score and VAS significantly better than TA (p < 0.05)



Low risk of bias

Other procedural modalities



Jajarm et al. [68]

Low intensity laser therapy (LILT) 630 nm diode laser

Dexamethasone solution 0.5 mg/5 ml

30 (one side intervention, the other side control)

Erosive-atrophic OLP

4 wks


Thongprasom clinical scale, VAS, RAE

Appearance score, pain score, and lesion severity was reduced in both gps (p value NS). No significant differences b/w the treatment gps regarding the response rate and relapse


LLLT = Dex

Some concerns


Agha-Hosseini et al. [72]

CO2 laser irradiation

low-level laser therapy (LLLT)

28 (one side intervention, the other side control)

Oral lichen planus

2 wks

CO2 laser: 1 session; LLLT: 5 sessions

Thongprasom clinical scale, VAS, size of lesions

Lesion size reduction significantly higher in LLLT compared to CO2 (p < 0.05). Improv. in clinical signs significantly higher in LLLT (p < 0.05). Symptom reduction was significantly higher in LLLT group (p < 0.05)


LLLT > CO2 laser

High risk of bias


Dillenburg et al. [70]

Laser phototherapy (LPT) 660 nm diode laser

Clobetasol gel 0.05%

42 (one side intervention, the other side control)

Atrophic/erosive OLP

4 wks

LPT- 3x/wk; Clo: TID

Clinical, symptoms, and functional scores

The LPT group had significantly lower clinical scores compared to clobetasol group (p = 0.001). Symptom score was maintained at a stable level for the LPT group in the follow up period, whereas a significant increase was found in the clobetasol group (p = 0.05)

Clo: 3 pts- Transient burning sensation; LPT: None

LPT > Clo

Low risk of bias


Jajarm et al. [68]

Toluidine blue for 10 min followed by photodynamic therapy

Dexamethasone rinse 0.5 mg/5 ml

25 (one side intervention, the other side control)

Erosive/atrophic OLP

4 wks

PDT:2x/wk; Dex:QID

Thongprasom clinical scale, efficacy indices, and experienced pain

Statistically significant reduction in sign score for the experimental (p = 0.021) and control (p = 0.002) gps. Efficacy index of the control group improved significantly more than the experimental group (p = 0.001)


Dex > PDT

High risk of bias


Kazancioglu (2015)

A diode laser 808

Ozone vs. dex rinse vs. placebo

120; 30 in each gp

atrophic-erosive OLP

4 wks

Laser:2x/wk; Ozone:2x/wk; Dex: QID

Thongprasom clinical scale, VAS, RAE score

Improv. in all gps but significantly better in Ozone and steroid gps (p < 0.05) as compared to laser and placebo


Ozone = Dex > Laser > placebo

Some concerns


Othman et al. [74]

A diode laser 970

TA 0.1% orabase

24 (one side intervention, the other side control)

Erosive-atrophic Reticular

4–5 wks

Laser: 2x/wk; TA: QID

Thongprasom clinical scale, RAE score, TNF α level

TA group showed statistically significantly lower mean RAE score than Laser group (p = 0.02) as well as lower TNF-α level


TA > laser

Some concerns


El Shenawy et al. [75]

A diode laser 970

TA 0.1% orabase

24; 12 in each


Laser: 8 wks; TA: 4 wks

Laser: 2x/wk; TA: QID

VAS, RAE score

Significant improv. in TA group than laser group (p < 0.05)


TA > laser

Some concerns


Lavaee and Shadmanpour [69]

660-nm diode laser for 10 min

Topical TA 0.1%

8 (one side intervention, the other side control)

Atrophic/erosive OLP

PDT: 3 wks; TA: 4 wks

PDT: 1x/wk; TA: TID

Thongprasom clinical scale, VAS, size of lesions

Significant difference in all scores between session 0 and 4 in both gps (p < 0.05). Changes in scores between the intervention and comparative gps were not statistically significant (p = 0.340)



Low risk of bias


Ferri et al. [71]

Clo gel 0.05%

Photobiomodulation (PBM)

34; 17 in each group

Reticular,atrophic, and erosive OLP

4 wks

Clo: TID; PBM: 2x/wk

VAS; Thongprasom clinical score

Decreased pain in both; clinical resolution: clo- 79.4%, PBM- 64.7% (p < 0.05)


Clo > PBM

Low risk of bias

  1. AV: aloe-vera, BM: betamethasone, Bx: biopsy, b/w: between, BCG‐PSN: Bacillus Calmette–Guerin polysaccharide nucleic acid, Clo: clobetasol, CsA: cyclosporine, Dex: dexamethasone, Flu: fluocinonide, FBS: fasting blood sugar, Gp: group, Improv.: improvement, LLLT: low level laser therapy, LPT: laser phototherapy, Mins: minutes, NS: not stated, NC: nanocurcumin, OLP: oral lichen planus, OHIP: Oral Health Impact Profile, Oint.: ointment, PDT: photodynamic therapy, PBM: photobiomodulation, PI: pimecrolimus, Pt: patient, RAE: reticulation, atrophy, erosion score; RPAE: reticular, white plaque, atrophy, erosion and ulceration clinical score, Rxn: reaction, TA: triamcinolone, TC: tacrolimus, TSQM: Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication, Tx: treatment, VAS: visual analog scale, wk: week