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Table1 Definition of the soft tissue measurements (Sn: Subnasale; Sto: Stomion; Sl: Sublabial; Prn: Pronasale; Ls: Labrale superius; Li: Labrale inferius; (L,R) ch: (Left, Right) cheilion; (L,R) Cph: (Left, Right) Crista Philtri; Gl: Glabella; N’: Nasion of soft tissue; Pg’: Pogonion of soft tissue; Gn’: Gnathion of soft tissue)

From: The accuracy of a three-dimensional face model reconstructing method based on conventional clinical two-dimensional photos



Upper Lip Height (Sn-Sto)

Height of the entire upper lip measured from subnasale to stomion superius

Lower Lip Height (Sl-Li)

Vertical measurement of the lower lip below the vermilion

Upper Vermilion Height (Ls-Sto)

Height of the upper lip vermilion measured from labrale superius to stomion superius

Lower Vermilion Height (Li-Sto)

Height of the vermilion segment of the lower lip

Philtral Length (Sn-Ls)

Distance between the nasal bone/base and midline upper lip vermilion border

Philtral Width (CphR-CphL)

Distance between the philtral ridges, measured just above the vermilion border

Nasolabial Angle (Prn-Sn-Ls)

Angle at subnasale subtended by side columella—labrale superius

Labial Fissure Width (Lch-Rch)

Distance between the commissures of the mouth

Facial Convexity (Gl-Sn-Pg’)

Angle at subnasale subtended by side glabella—pogonion

Facial Height (N’-Gn’)

Vertical height (length) of the face or viscerocranium

Nasal Angle (N’-Prn-Sn)

Angle at pronasale subtended by side nasion – subnasale

Nasofrontal Angle (Gl-N’-Prn)

Angle at nasion subtended by side glabella—pronasale