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Table 2 Criteria for the assessment of plaque index and gingival index

From: Clinical and radiographic prospective study of customized one-piece titanium and one-piece fusion-sputtered zirconia implants: five-year mean follow-up


Plaque indexa

Gingival indexa


No plaque

Normal mucosal aspect


A film of plaque adhering to the free gingival margin which can be scrapped of but is not visible

Mild inflammation—slight change in color and slight edema but no bleeding on probing


Visible plaque accumulation on the mucosal margin and/or the adjacent tooth surface

Moderate inflammation. Presence of redness, edema, and bleeding on probing


Presence of abundant plaque within the gingival sulcus and/or the adjacent tooth surface

Sever inflammation with a marked redness, edema, and bleeding on probing

  1. aAccording to Lang et al. [19]