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Fig. 1 | BMC Oral Health

Fig. 1

From: Molecular mechanism and diagnostic marker investigation of endoplasmic reticulum stress on periodontitis

Fig. 1

The differentially expressed endoplasmic reticulum stress-related genes (DE-ERSGs) and associated protein–protein interaction (PPI) network. A The volcano plot showed the DE-ERSGs between gingival tissues samples with periodontitis (Affected group) and normal gingival tissues samples (Unaffected group): red node represented up-regulated gene; green node represented down-regulated gene; grey node represented gene that not significant different between two groups. B The heatmap for DE-MRSGs revealed in current study: the top red bar represented the Affected group, while the red bar represented the Unaffected group. C The PPI network constructed based on DE-ERSGs in current study: the line represented interaction; the node represented different DE-ERSGs

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