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Table 1 Criteria for the scores of the histological caries lesion depth [[4]]

From: Evaluating performance of dental caries detection methods among third-year dental students


Visual criteria

Histological criteria


No or slight change in enamel after prolonged air drying



Opacity or discoloration hardly visible on wet surface but distinct after air drying

Caries/Radiolucency extending to the outer half of the enamel


Opacity distinctly visible without air drying

Caries/Radiolucency extending to the inner half of the enamel or the outer third of dentine


Localized enamel break- down in opaque or discolored enamel and/or grayish discoloration from the under lying dentine

Caries/Radiolucency extending to the middle third of the dentine


Cavitation in opaque or discolored enamel exposing the dentine

Caries/Radiolucency extending to the inner third of the dentine

  1. These criteria were used as golden standard values of the dissected teeth.