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Table 3 Prevalence of hypomineralization on molar cusps and incisor tips and molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) index

From: Prenatal exposure to environmental toxins and comprehensive dental findings in a population cohort of children

Molar tips

Deciduous N = 2639

Permanent N = 717

Total N = 3356

1634 (61.9%)

433 (60.4%)

2067 (61.6%)

Incisor tips

Deciduous N = 1649

Permanent N = 1072

Total N = 2721

194 (11.8%)

306 (28.5%)

500 (18.4%)

MIH index

Deciduous N = 4288

Permanent N = 1789

Total N = 6077

1828 (42.6%)

739 (41.3%)

2567 (42.2%)