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Table 3 Search strategy according to three databases (PubMed, Scopus, Embase)

From: Accuracy of implant placement with computer-aided static, dynamic, and robot-assisted surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials

PICO question

Search strategy [9, 10]





Patients treated with dental implants placement,

("Surgery, Computer-Assisted"[MeSH] OR "Robotic surgical procedures"[MeSH] OR "Computer-assisted surgery" OR "navigation system" OR "navigation systems" OR "dynamic computer-aided" OR "dynamic computer guided" OR "dynamic computer assisted" OR robot* OR Yomi) AND ("Dental Implants" OR "tooth implant" OR "single tooth implant" OR "dental implants" OR "dental implant" OR implantology)

TITLE-ABS-KEY ("Surgery, Computer-Assisted" OR "Robotic surgical procedures" OR "Computer-assisted surgery" OR "navigation system" OR "navigation systems" OR "dynamic computer-aided" OR "dynamic computer guided" OR "dynamic computer assisted" OR robot* OR yomi) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "Dental Implants" OR "tooth implant" OR "single tooth implant" OR "dental implants" OR "dental implant" OR implantology)

('surgery, computer-assisted'/exp OR 'surgery, computer-assisted' OR 'robotic surgical procedures'/exp OR 'robotic surgical procedures' OR 'computer-assisted surgery'/exp OR 'computer-assisted surgery' OR 'navigation system'/exp OR 'navigation system' OR 'navigation systems' OR 'dynamic computer-aided' OR 'dynamic computer guided' OR 'dynamic computer assisted' OR robot* OR yomi) AND ('tooth implant'/exp OR 'tooth implant' OR 'single tooth implant'/exp OR 'single tooth implant' OR 'dental implants'/exp OR 'dental implants' OR 'dental implant'/exp OR 'dental implant' OR 'implantology'/exp OR implantology)


Computerized-implant dentistry; sCais, dCais and robotic-assisted implant surgery,


Pre- and post-operative implant placement


Accuracy of dental implant placement; three-dimensional coronal, -apical, and -angular directions,


Randomized or non-randomized controlled trials (retrospective and prospective trials) and case studies