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Table 1 Objectives, endpoints, and data sources

From: Alternatives to dental opioid prescribing after tooth extraction (ADOPT): protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial



Data Source


To compare the odds of post-extraction opioid prescriptions to AYA under the intervention condition relative to the control condition

Study condition comparison of the patient-level odds of post-extraction opioid prescription



To compare provider-perceived intervention appropriateness and feasibility before and after intervention implementation

Differential pre- to post-intervention change by provider in the rating of intervention feasibility and appropriateness

Provider survey before and after transition period

To compare provider-perceived appropriateness and feasibility of decreasing opioid prescribing to AYA before and after intervention implementation

Differential pre- to post-intervention change by provider in the rating of opioid prescribing reduction feasibility and appropriateness

Provider survey before and after transition period

To compare AYA self-reported pain level within 10 days after tooth extraction based on self-reported opioid use.

Comparison of worst, least, and average pain over the 10 days after extraction based on self-reported opioid use

Patient survey within 6–10 days after tooth extraction

To compare AYA self-reported pain interference within 10 days after tooth extraction based on self-reported opioid use.

Comparison of average pain interference T-score (NIH PROMIS Pediatric Short Form v1.0 – Pain Interference 8a, or NIH PROMIS Adult Short Form v1.0 – Pain Interference 6b) based on self-reported opioid use.

Patient survey within 6–10 days after tooth extraction

To compare AYA self-reported satisfaction with pain management within 10 days after tooth extraction based on self-reported opioid use

Comparison of average overall pain satisfaction based on self-reported opioid use.

Patient survey within 6–10 days after tooth extraction

  1. AYA, adolescent and young adult; EHR, electronic health record