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Table 3 Number of visits to the dental clinic and counselling opportunities over the seven-year study period (2005–2011)

From: A retrospective analysis of caries treatment and development in relation to assessed caries risk in an adult population in Sweden

Variables (N)



P - value

Caries risk group

Caries risk group

Number of visits to the dental clinic

11.2 (10.0-12.4)

20.4 (19.2-21.6)

p < 0.0001

Number of visits to a dentist

7.5 (6.4-8.6)

16.2 (15.1-17.4)

p < 0.0001

Number of visits to the dental hygienist

3.7 (3.18-4.2)

4.1 (3.6-4.6)


Number of acute visits to the clinic

2.3 (1.7-3.0)

4.4 (3.7-5.0)

p < 0.0001

Annual cost for dental treatments (SEK)

1 192

2 677

p < 0.0001

Recall period (months)

17.5 (17.1-17.9)

13.4 (13.1-13.7)

p < 0.0001

DMFStotal 2005-2011

2.9 (1.9-3.9)

7.8 (6.8-8.8)

p < 0.0001



 basic prevention package1

2.30 (2.08-2.52)

2.77 (2.54-2.99)


 increased fluoride exposure

0.79 (0.59-0.99)

1.84 (1.64-2.04)

p < 0.0001

 individual oral hygiene instruction

0.85 (0.69-1.01)

1.15 (0.99-1.31)


 individual dietary habit information

0.06 (0.00-0.13)

0.21 (0.15-0.28)


  1. 1)Recommendation to use fluoridated toothpaste and basic information on oral hygiene and diet.
  2. Data are presented as mean (95% CI) adjusted for sex, age, and clinic for the seven-year study period.