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Table 2 System changes to minimise barriers to dental care in older people in inner-city area characterised by social deprivation

From: Minimising barriers to dental care in older people


Organisational action- to minimise dental care

Barriers to Dental Care

Dental teams

Primary Care Trusts

Department of Health

Cost of Dental Treatment

Provide clear information on dental charges to prospective and current patients

Ensure patients receive costed treatment options, sensitive discussions in relation to dental treatment and charges and the opportunity to agree course of treatment appropriate to circumstances. this includes the time period over when the care is provided.

Reduction on cost of treatment for older people

Free dental check-ups for older people

Provide specific information for older people on dental charges

Commission free oral screening at day centres

Provide greater financial support for dental treatment in older people (free dental check-ups and/or free dental care or subsidised care)

Ensure clear public information on costs and exemptions

Fear of Dental Treatment

Take time to explain the treatment and put the patient at ease

Keep the surgery environment friendly and welcoming

Address stressors such as the noise of dental drills through provision of ear plugs or silent drills

Positive image of dentistry

Request that postgraduate deaneries consider 'care for the older person' as an important area for continuing professional education

Support training on caring for oral health in older people, including the management of dental anxiety and phobia

Accessibility of Dental Services

Facilitate the timing of the appointments to minimise indirect costs

Ensure older people have appropriate physical access to dental care (e.g. disabled access)

Employ dentists to travel around community centres providing outreach services

Proactively commissioning of dental services for older people, both routine and domiciliary care based on need

Ensuring care pathways to dental care in general, including domiciliary services

Monitor uptake of NHS dental care by older people and ensure that access to NHS is appropriate

Availability of Dental Services

Provide information about the practice and make it available at key locations in the local community – i.e. GP Surgeries, libraries, etc

Commission sufficient care for older people

Provide information for older people on local dental services

Provide information in GP surgeries and Health Centres on dental services serving older people

Ensure availability of appropriate care

Raising awareness of older people's oral health needs across health and social care.

Characteristics of the Dentist

Recognise that polite and friendly approach is valued by older people

Minimise waiting times

Recognise and manage fears relating to past dental care

Taking time to talk to patients

Provide an atmosphere of unhurried treatments

Continue to Provide NHS dental care for older people

Request that postgraduate deaneries consider 'care for the older person' as an important area for continuing professional development

Developing the concept of dental practitioners with a special interest in providing care for older people