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Table 3 Dietary habits in adults with autism spectrum disorder (n = 47) and a control group (n = 69)

From: A cross-sectional study on oral health and dental care in intellectually able adults with autism spectrum disorder


ASD group yes

Control group yes

P valuea

Do you eat or drink any food or beverage ≥5 times/d?

24/47 (51 %)

49/69 (71 %)


Do you eat mints, hard or chewy candies, candy bars, donuts, pastries, chips, crackers, or other similar snack foods between meals 3 days/week?

18/47 (38 %)

30/69 (43 %)


Do you drink non-diet soda, lemonade, fruit aids, sport drinks, or sugar (not sugar substitute)-sweetened tea or coffee between meals?

19/47 (40 %)

32/69 (46 %)


  1. ASD Autism spectrum disorder
  2. aChi2-test