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Fig. 3 | BMC Oral Health

Fig. 3

From: Stability of simultaneously placed dental implants with autologous bone grafts harvested from the iliac crest or intraoral jaw bone

Fig. 3

Long-term panoramic evaluation of simultaneous dental implantation cases with autologous iliac bone (a) and intraoral jaw bone grafts (b). a Dental implants are placed in both maxillary posterior ridges with subantral inlay-type iliac block and particulate bone graft. In panoramic analysis, the augmented alveolar bone heights in both maxillary posterior ridges (arrows in T3) are remarkably vertically reduced at the 5.5-year follow-up (arrows in T5). In particular, the radiograph of T5 (5.5 years postoperatively) shows coincidental bone resorption in the marginal alveolar bone (open arrows) and sinus floor (closed arrows) compared with radiographs at T1 or T3, indicating that the long-term grafted bone resorption could be related to the shrinkage volume of grafted iliac bone as well as peri-implantitis. b A case of intraoral jaw bone graft and simultaneous implantation. Implant fixtures are simultaneously placed and jaw bone is grafted onto the sinus floor (subantral inlay-type) and on the exposed fixtures in lower alveolar ridges (onlay-type). The grafted jaw bone is well maintained and shows a lesser vertical bone reductive pattern than the iliac bone graft in the marginal alveolar bone (open arrows) and sinus floor (closed arrows)

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