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Table 3 Caries experience (dmft) and oral health-related behaviours studied

From: Dental caries status of students from migrant primary schools in Shanghai Pudong New Area

Oral health-related behaviours (%, N)

Primary teeth dmft (SD)

Permanent teeth dmft (SD)

Tooth brushing twice or more daily (N = 1323)


 Yes (31.2 %, 413)

2.35 (2.93)*

0.41 (0.46)

 No (68.8 %, 910)

2.91 (3.04)*

0.51 (0.60)

Age of initial brushing (N = 1170)


  ≤ 3 (18.2 %, 213)

2.59 (2.90**

0.41 (0.75)

  > 3 (81.8 %, 957)

3.10 (3.19)**

0.46 (0.87)

Sweet snacks before sleep without tooth brushing (N = 1323)


 Often/Occasionally (46.4 %,614)

2.96 (3.06)***

0.48 (0.86)

 Never (53.6 %, 709)

2.54 (2.97)***

0.40 (0.81)

Daily sweet snacks (N = 1323)


 Yes (18.8 %, 249)

2.78 (2.96)

0.75 (1.04)****

 No (81.2 %, 1074)

2.72 (3.03)

0.44 (0.77)****

  1. *, **, ***Significant difference (P < 0.05)
  2. ****Significant difference (P < 0.001)