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Table 4 Significant direct standardized regression weights for the extended theory of planned behavior- Modified SEM model

From: Applying the theory of planned behavior to self-report dental attendance in Norwegian adults through structural equation modelling approach


Standardized regression weight

% total effect

Direct standardized effects


.76 (.70)***

Intention: 64

 Intention-subjective norms

.-19 (.-17)***

Action plan: 7.6

 Intention-descriptive norm

.11 (.11)***

Behavior: 32

 Intention-perceived control

.16 (.18)***


 Intention-Action plan

.27 (.27)***


 Action plan-behavior

.21 (.19)***


 Intention -Behavior



 Perceived control-behavior

.06 (.03)ns


Indirect standardized effects

 Perceived control-intention-action plan - behavior



 Intention-action plan -behavior


  1. ***p < 0.001