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Table 1 OHIP-Esthetics, PIDAQ and OES questionnaires

From: The effects of at-home whitening on patients’ oral health, psychology, and aesthetic perception

OHIP-Esthetics Questionnaire

 Q1 Have you noticed a tooth which doesn’t look right?1

 Q2 Have you felt that your appearance has been affected by problems with your teeth?1

 Q3 Have you had sensitive teeth for example to heat or to cold food or drinks?2

 Q4 Have you had painful areas in your mouth?2

 Q5 Have you been self-conscious because of your teeth?3

 Q6 Have you felt uncomfortable about the appearance of your teeth?3

 Q7 Have you felt that your food is less tasty because of problems with your teeth?4

 Q8 Have you avoided smiling because of problems with your teeth?4

 Q9 Have you found it difficult to relax because of problems with your teeth?5

 Q10 Have you been a bit embarrassed because of problems with your teeth?5

 Q11 Have you been less tolerant of your spouse or family because of problems with your teeth?6

 Q12 Have you had difficulties doing your usual job because of problems with your teeth?6

 Q13 Have you been unable to enjoy the company of other people very much because of problems with your teeth?7

 Q14 Have you felt that life in general was less satisfying because of problems with your teeth?7

PIDAQ Questionnaire

 Dental Self-Confidence

  1. I am proud of my teeth.

  2. I like to show my teeth when I smile.

  3. I am pleased when I see my teeth in the mirror.

  4. My teeth are attractive to others.

  5. I am satisfied with the appearance of my teeth.

  6. I find my tooth position to be very nice.

 Social Impact

  7. I hold myself back when I smile so my teeth don’t show so much.

  8. If I don’t know people well I am sometimes concerned what they might think about my teeth.

  9. I’m afraid other people could make offensive remarks about my teeth.

  10. I am somewhat inhibited in social contacts because of my teeth.

  11. I sometimes catch myself holding my hand in front of my mouth to hide my teeth.

  12. Sometimes I think people are staring at my teeth.

  13. Remarks about my teeth irritate me even when they are meant jokingly.

  14. I sometimes worry about what members of the opposite sex think about my teeth.

 Psychological Impact

  15. I envy the nice teeth of other people.

  16. I am somewhat distressed when I see other people’s teeth.

  17. Sometimes I am somewhat unhappy about the appearance of my teeth.

  18. I think most people I know have nicer teeth than I do.

  19. I feel bad when I think about what my teeth look like.

  20. I wish my teeth looked better.

 Aesthetic Concern

  21. I don’t like to see my teeth in the mirror.

  22. I don’t like to see my teeth in photographs.

  23. I don’t like to see my teeth when I look at a video of myself.

Orofacial Esthetic Scale OES

 How do you feel about the appearance of your face, your mouth, your teeth and your replacements (prostheses, crowns, bridges and implants)?

 0 is ‘Very dissatisfied’ and 10 is ‘Very satisfied’

  1. Your facial appearance.

   Apariencia de su cara

  2. Appearance of your facial profile

   Apariencia de su perfil

  3. Your mouth’s appearance (smile, lips and visible teeth)

   Aspecto de su boca (sonrisa, labios y dientes visibles)

  4. Appearance of your rows of teeth

   Aspecto de la arcada de sus dientes

  5. Shape/form of your teeth

   Forma de sus dientes

  6. Colour of your teeth

   Color de sus dientes

  7. Your gum’s appearance

   Aspecto de sus encías

  8. Overall, how do you feel about the appearance of your face, your mouth, and your teeth

   En general, ¿Cómo se siente sobre la apariencia de su rostro, su boca y dientes?

  1–7: summary score 8: overall impression score

  1. On OHIP-Esthetics questionnaire numbers correspond to the dimensions (1 = Functional limitation, 2 = Physical pain, 3 = Psychological discomfort, 4 = Physical disability, 5 = Psychological disability, 6 = Social disability, 7 = Handicap). In italic translation to Spanish