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Table 2 The 9 questions covering the four global dimensions of self-perceived oral health

From: Utilization of dental services among low and middle income pregnant, post-partum and six-month post-partum women



Expert level of Knowledge

Good Knowledge

Fair Knowledge

Some Knowledge

No Knowledge


Q 1. Do you know the mechanism behind caries and periodontal diseases?

 Six-month post-partum women

11 (7.3)

30 (20.0)

9 (6.0)

32 (21.3)

68 (45.3)

< 0.01


1 (0.7)

5 (3.3)

28 (18.7)

54 (36.0)

62 (41.3)


3 (2.0)

18 (12.0)

26 (17.3)

55 (36.7)

48 (32.0)

Q 2. Do you know how to avoid caries and periodontal diseases?

 Six-month post-partum women

7 (4.7)

29 (19.3)

8 (5.3)

37 (24.7)

69 (46.0)

< 0.01


0 (0.0)

2 (1.3)

21 (14.0)

68 (45.3)

59 (39.3)


2 (1.3)

18 (12.0)

44 (29.3)

57 (38.0)

29 (19.3)

Q 3. Do you know that it is important to use fluoridated toothpaste?

 Six-month post-partum women

12 (8.0)

57 (38.0)

39 (26.0)

40 (26.7)

2 (1.3)

< 0.01


10 (6.7)

23 (15.3)

48 (32.0)

47 (31.3)

22 (14.7)


15 (10.0)

38 (25.3)

39 (26.0)

30 (20.0)

28 (18.7)




Hardly Ever


Fairly Often

Very Often


Q 4. You feel severe pain while drinking hot or cold drinks

 Six-month post-partum women

14 (9.3)

31 (20.7)

78 (52.0)

22 (14.7)

5 (3.3)

< 0.01


1 (0.7)

6 (4.0)

35 (23.3)

59 (39.3)

49 (32.7)


1 (0.7)

1 (0.7)

23 (15.3)

70 (46.7)

55 (36.7)

Q 5. You have headaches due to your teeth or your mouth

 Six-month post-partum women

38 (25.3)

57 (38.0)

44 (29.3)

10 (6.7)

1 (0.7)

< 0.01


14 (9.3)

34 (22.7)

57 (38.0)

29 (19.3)

16 (10.7)


3 (2.0)

20 (13.3)

40 (26.7)

56 (37.3)

31 (20.7)

Q 6. You have difficulty eating food

 Six-month post-partum women

57 (38.0)

56 (37.3)

29 (19.3)

8 (5.3)

0 (0.0)

< 0.01


18 (12.0)

34 (22.7)

42 (28.0)

33 (22.0)

23 (15.3)


11 (7.3)

17 (11.3)

33 (22.0)

49 (32.7)

40 (26.7)

Quality of Life

Q 7. You feel depressed due to your teeth or your mouth

 Six-month post-partum women

51 (34.0)

61 (40.7)

32 (21.3)

6 (4.0)

0 (0.0)

< 0.01


12 (8.0)

52 (34.7)

55 (36.7)

29 (19.3)

2 (1.3)


6 (4.0)

38 (25.3)

32 (21.3)

46 (30.7)

28 (18.7)


Q 8. You avoid laughing due to your teeth or your mouth

 Six-month post-partum women

37 (24.7)

47 (31.3)

50 (33.3)

15 (10.0)

1 (0.7)

< 0.01


3 (2.0)

25 (16.7)

45 (30.0)

43 (28.7)

34 (22.7)


1 (0.7)

12 (8.0)

40 (26.7)

58 (38.7)

39 (26.0)

Q 9. You feel embarrassed due to your teeth or your mouth

 Six-month post-partum women

53 (35.3)

53 (35.3)

34 (22.7)

10 (6.7)

0 (0.0)

< 0.01


7 (4.7)

41 (27.3)

45 (30.0)

32 (21.3)

25 (16.7)


5 (3.3)

21 (14.0)

33 (22.0)

61 (40.7)

30 (20.0)

  1. *Chi-squared test