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Table 2 Oral hygiene practices of SIYP in Lagos and Osun State, Nigeria (N = 845)

From: Association between water, sanitation, general hygiene and oral hygiene practices of street-involved young people in Southwest Nigeria






N = 845


(n = 452)


(n = 393)

10–14 years

(n = 229)

15–19 years

(n = 372

20–24 years

(n = 244)


(n = 428)


(n = 417)

Sugar intake in-between meals

 Rarely/never eat between meals

68 (15.0%)

63 (16.0%)

26 (11.4%)

67 (18.0%)

38 (15.6%)

70 (16.4%)

61 (14.6%)

131 (15.5%)

 Other responses

384 (85.0%)

330 (84.0%)

203 (88.7%)

305 (82.0%)

206 (84.4%)

358 (83.6%)

356 (85.4%)

714 (84.5%)

X2; p value

0.16; 0.69

3.32; 0.19



Frequency of teeth brushing

  > 2ce a day

29 (6.4%)

31 (7.9%)

21 (9.2%)

20 (5.4%)

19 (7.8%)

49 (11.5%)

11 (2.6%)

60 (7.1%)

  < 2ce a day

423 (93.6%)

362 (92.1%)

208 (90.8%)

352 (94.6%)

225 (92.2%)

379 (88.6%)

406 (97.4%)

785 (92.9%)

X2; p value

0.69; 0.41

3.44; 0.18

24.86; < 0.001


Frequency of teeth flossing

  > 2ce a day

20 (4.4%)

15 (3.8%)

8 (3.5%)

15 (4.0%)

12 (4.9%)

22 (5.1%)

13 (3.1%)

35 (4.1%)

  < 2ce a day

432 (95.6%)

378 (96.2%)

221 (96.5%)

357 (96.0%)

232 (95.1%)

406 (94.9%)

404 (96.9)

810 (95.9%)

X2; p value

0.20; 0.66

0.62; 0.73

2.17; 0.14


Use of fluoride containing toothpaste


134 (29.6%)

108 (27.5%)

104 (45.4%)

95 (25.5%)

43 (17.6%)

175 (40.9%)

67 (16.1%)

242 (28.6%)


318 (70.4%)

285 (72.5%)

125 (54.6%)

277 (74.5%)

201 (82.4%)

253 (59.1%)

350 (83.9%)

603 (71.4%)

X2; p value

0.48; 0.49

47.77; < 0.001

63.67; < 0.001


Frequency of dental check-up

 6–12 monthly

27 (5.9%)

36 (9.2%)

24 (10.5%)

23 (6.2%)

16 (6.6%)

44 (10.3%)

19 (4.6%)

63 (7.5%)


425 (94.0%)

357 (90.8%)

205 (89.5%)

349 (93.8%)

228 (93.4%)

384 (89.7%)

398 (95.4%)

782 (92.5%)

X2; p value

3.09; 0.08

4.20; 0.12

10.03; < 0.002