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Table 1 Search strategies used for each database, with the corresponding results covering the period up to December 2019

From: Facial alveolar bone thickness and modifying factors of anterior maxillary teeth: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cone-beam computed tomography studies

Main databases


Search strategy employed


Dec 24, 2019


((((((“Bicuspid”[Mesh] OR “Tooth”[Mesh] OR “Cuspid”[Mesh] OR premolar OR incisor OR canine OR second premolar OR first premolar OR lateral incisor))) NOT ((“Molar”[Mesh] OR “Root Canal Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Root Canal Preparation”[Mesh] OR “Root Canal Obturation”[Mesh] OR impacted canines OR impacted tooth OR “Tooth, Nonvital”[Mesh] OR “Dental Implants, Single-Tooth”[Mesh])))) AND (“Cone-Beam Computed Tomography”[Mesh] OR CBCT OR cone beam volume CT OR cone beam CT OR cone-beam CT)) AND (((CEJ OR cement enamel junction OR vestibular bone peak OR facial bone crest) OR (facial alveolar bone width OR buccal bone thickness OR buccal cortical OR facial bone OR socket bony walls OR facial bone wall OR buccal alveolar bone)))

All text



((‘bicuspid’/exp OR ‘bicuspid’ OR ‘tooth’/exp OR ‘tooth’ OR ‘cuspid’/exp OR ‘cuspid’ OR ‘premolar tooth’/exp OR ‘premolar tooth’ OR ‘incisive’ OR ‘canine tooth’/exp OR ‘canine tooth’ OR ‘second premolar’/exp OR ‘second premolar’ OR ‘first premolar’/exp OR ‘first premolar’ OR ‘lateral incisive’) AND (‘computer tomography’/exp OR ‘computer tomography’) OR ‘cbct’ OR ‘cone beam’ OR ‘cone-beam’ OR ‘cone beam computer tomography’) AND (‘cementoenamel junction’ OR cej OR ‘buccal bone crest’ OR ‘facial bone’/exp OR ‘facial bone’ OR ‘facial alveolar bone width’ OR ‘facial alveolar bone’ OR ‘facial alveolar’ OR ‘buccal bone thickness’ OR ‘buccal bone’ OR ‘buccal cortical’ OR ‘socket bone wall’ OR ‘facial bone wall’)

All text



“bicuspid” OR “cuspid” OR Incisor OR “Tooth” OR premolar tooth OR Incisive OR incisive tooth OR second premolar OR lateral incisive in Title Abstract Keyword AND “Cone Beam Computed Tomography” or “Cone Beam Computer Assisted Tomography” or “Cone Beam Computerized Tomography” or “Cone Beam CT” or “Volumetric Computed Tomography” or “Volumetric CT” or “Cone-Beam Computed Tomography” or “Cone-Beam Computer-Assisted Tomography” or “Cone-Beam Computerized Tomography” or “Cone-Beam CT” or “Cone-Beam CT Scan” in Title Abstract Keyword AND “cement enamel junction” OR CEJ OR Vestibular bone peak OR “facial bone” OR “Cortical Bone” OR Facial alveolar bone width OR buccal bone OR facial alveolar bone wall OR buccal alveolar bone OR buccal bone thickness OR buccal cortical OR facial bone OR facial bone wall in Title Abstract Keyword NOT “root canal therapy” OR “root canal-therapy” OR “root canal obturation” OR “root canal preparation” OR impacted canine OR “impacted tooth” OR “Impacted Teeth” OR “tooth non-vital” OR “Dental Implants, Single Tooth” OR “Dental implant” in Title Abstract Keyword—(Word variations have been searched)

All text



#1 TS = (bicuspid) OR TS = (cuspid) OR TS = (tooth) OR TS = (premolar) OR TS = (incisor) OR TS = (canine) OR TS = (first premolar) OR TS = (second premolar) OR TS = (lateral incisor)

All text


#2 TS = (computed tomography) OR TS = (CBCT) OR TS = (cone beam) OR TS = (cone-beam) OR TS = (cone beam computer tomography)

#3 TS = (cement enamel junction OR CEJ) OR TS = (facial bone crest OR vestibular bone peak) OR TS = (facial bone) OR TS = (facial alveolar bone width) OR TS = (facial alveolar bone) OR TS = (facial alveolar) OR TS = (buccal bone thickness) OR TS = (buccal bone) OR TS = (buccal cortical) OR TS = (socket bone wall) OR TS = (facial bone wall)

#4 #1 AND #2 AND #3

#5 TS = (root canal therapy OR root canal-therapy OR root canal obturation OR root canal preparation) OR TS = ( impacted canine) OR TS = (impacted tooth) OR TS = (Impacted Teeth) OR TS = (tooth non-vital) OR TS = (Dental Implants, Single Tooth) OR TS = (Dental implant)

#6 #4 NOT #5


(Premolar OR incisor OR canine OR second premolar OR first premolar OR lateral incisor) AND (“Cone-Beam Computed Tomography”[Mesh] OR CBCT) AND (Cement enamel junction OR CEJ OR Facial bone crest OR facial alveolar bone OR buccal bone)








After duplicates removal