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Table 2 Knowledge about the precautionary measures of taking dental radiographs during pregnancy

From: Women’s awareness regarding the use of dental imaging during pregnancy

Knowledge items

Frequency (%)

Pregnant women should inform the radiologist if she is pregnant or expecting

355 (86.6)

Pregnant women can take radiographs at any trimester

16 (3.9)

Pregnant women should wear a lead apron and thyroid collar while taking a dental radiograph

102 (24.9)

The radiation dose during pregnancy is less than the usual dose

47 (11.5)

Intraoral films should be held by the film holder

115 (28.1)

Pregnant women can take a panoramic radiograph

54 (13.1)

Pregnant women can take CBCT

24 (5.9)

The risk of cancer among infants due to radiation exposure is very low

46 (11.2)

The risk of fetal malformation due to radiation exposure is very low

47 (11.5)