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Table 2 ZINB model and multivariable regression model of early preventive dental care effects on dental caries and untreated dental caries

From: Effects of early preventive dental visits and its associations with dental caries experience: a cross-sectional study



Untreated dental caries

ZINB model

Multivariable logistic regression model






Negative Binomial part

Zero‐inflated part

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3







95% CI






P value

< 0.01

< 0.01

< 0.01

< 0.01

< 0.01

  1. ZINB model: Zero-inflated negative binomial model
  2. Column (1) and (2) showed the effect of PDV on dmft. Zero‐inflated part showed a logit model for zero dmft (caries-free) children, predicting whether a child was in caries-free group. Negative binomial part showed dmft counts for those children who were not caries free. ZINB model was adjusted for children’s sex, age, family children count, age at which toothbrushing started, parents’ oral health perception for children, whether mother or father has untreated dental caries, children’s caregivers, rural or urban living area, parents’ marriage status, mother’s age and education, family income. Full table is in Additional file 1: S1
  3. Column (3) Model 1: crude odds ratio indicating the effect of PDV on untreated dental caries. Column (4) Model 2: odds ratio adjusted by child’s sex, age, family children count, dmft, toothache, age at which toothbrushing started, age at first dental visit. Column (5) Model 3: odds ratio adjusted by Model 2 plus parents’ oral health perception for children, whether mother or father has untreated dental caries, children’s main caregivers, rural or urban living area, parents’ marriage status, mother’s age and education, and family income. Full table is in Additional file 1: S2