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Table 2 Frequency distribution of oral health related behaviors of the study participants

From: Dental caries according to CAST among Zambian adolescents; pattern, socio-demographic and behavioral correlates


% (n)

Sugary drinks intake per day in the past 30 days

 Less than 5 times

87.8 (1578)

 5 times or more

12.2 (219)

Sugary foods intake per day in the past 30 days

 Less than 5 times

88.3 (1584)

 5 times or more

11.7 (210)

Tooth brushing per day

 Less than 2 times

48.6 (872)

 2 times or more

51.4 (922)

Use of fluoridated toothpaste per day

 Less than 2 times

51.3 (921)

 2 times or more

48.7 (873)

Dental visit in the previous one year


26.4 (474)

 Did not attend

73.6 (1320)