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Table 1 Characteristics of patients who used dental service before and during the COVID-19 pandemic (n = 1068)

From: Highly educated patients have lower dental compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic: an observational study


Pre-COVID-19 (n = 550)

COVID-19 (n = 518)


n (%)

n (%)


53.01 ± 0.51

49.57 ± 0.52




193 (35.1)

196 (37.8)


357 (64.9)

322 (62.2)

Educational level



31 (5.6)

38 (7.3)


519 (94.4)

480 (92.7)




459 (83.4)

364 (70.3)


91 (16.6)

154 (29.7)

Number of days between visits

34.96 ± 1.49

42.71 ± 2.30

  1. Low educational level: < 12 years, high school or lower
  2. High educational level: 12 years, university and post-graduation or higher
  3. The “n” means the number of visits. A total of 261 people were seen during the Pre-COVID period, and the number of visits was 550. A total of 254 people were seen during the COVID period, with the number of visits was 518