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Table 2 Serum and dietary vitamin D status in the NorJIA study population, N = 223

From: Vitamin D, oral health, and disease characteristics in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a multicenter cross-sectional study

Serum and dietary vitamin D


Serum 25(OH) vit. Da, nmol/L, mean (± SD)

61.4 (± 22.3)

Serum 25(OH) vit. D in categories, n (%)


 Deficient < 30 (nmol/L)

15 (6.7)

 Insufficient 30–49 (nmol/L)

51 (22.9)

 Sufficient 50–74 (nmol/L)

100 (44.8)

 Desired ≥  75–150 (nmol/L)

57 (25.6)

Seasonal serum 25(OH) vit. Db, nmol/L, mean (± SD)


 Winter, December-February (n = 49)

51.4 (± 21.2)

 Spring, March–May (n = 66)

55.6 (± 18.8)

 Summer, June–August (n = 25)

72.5 (± 21.6)

 Fall, September–November (n = 83)

68.8 (± 22.1)

Daily vit. D intakec, µg/day, mean (± SD)

11.2 (± 12.2)

 Northern Norway (n = 51)

7.7 (± 8.4)

 Western Norway (n = 74)

9.9 (± 11.8)

 Central Norway (n = 93)

14.0 (± 13.6)

Inadequate intaked, < 10 µg/day, n (%)

144 (66.1)

Supplemental vit. D intake, n (%)

164 (75.2)

 Northern Norway

34 (66.7)

 Western Norway

49 (66.2)

 Central Norway

81 (87.1)

  1. NorJIA study, Norwegian juvenile idiopathic arthritis study; vit. D, vitamin D; SD, standard deviation
  2. aSerum 25(OH) vitamin D collected during the study visits taking place throughout the calendar year, except for July
  3. bSerum 25(OH) vitamin D collected during the four specified seasons
  4. cEstimates of daily vit. D intake (dietary and supplemental) based on data from self-reported food frequency questionnaires (FFQ), n = 218 (5 participants did not fill in the FFQ), 164 participants reported supplemental vitamin D intake
  5. d10 µg/day is the daily recommended intake of vit. D according to The Norwegian Directorate of Health and Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012 (5 participants did not fill in the FFQ)