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Fig. 2 | BMC Oral Health

Fig. 2

From: Role of PI3K in the bone resorption of apical periodontitis

Fig. 2

Expression of PI3K and Akt in a mouse model of apical periodontitis. A HE staining of the mouse apical tissues of the mandibular first molars at 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after pulp opening and normal control group (×100). B a, b, c and d, TRAP staining of the mouse periapical tissues in the control group and 2nd week after pulp opening, the positive cells were distincitve by very large cellular sizes(≥ 3 multiple nuclei), wine red; e, statistical analysis of the OD values of positive osteoclasts in each experimental group, * represent significant differences between groups (P < 0.05). C a, b, c and d, expression of PI3K in mouse periapical tissues in the control group and 2nd week after pulp opening, the positive cells are tawny; e, statistical analysis of the OD values of PI3K in each experimental group, * represent significant differences between groups (P < 0.05). D a, b, c and d, expression of Akt in the mouse periapical tissues in the control group and 2nd week after pulp opening, the positive cells are tawny; e, statistical analysis of the OD values of Akt in each experimental group, * represent significant differences between groups (P < 0.05). E Correlation analysis between PI3K OD value, AKT OD value and osteoclast OD value. HE, 10× original magnification. Immunohistochemical,10× or 40× original magnification

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