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Table 7 Concurrent validity: COHIP-SF-19 scores and self-perceived problems (n = 557)

From: Validation of the French version of COHIP-SF-19 among 12-years children in New Caledonia


Domain 1: Oral health

Domain 2: Functional well-being

Domain 3: Socio-emotional well-being

COHIP-SF 19 total score

Oral health problems


 No (n = 267)

15.39 ± 3.17

13.61 ± 2.52

32.85 ± 4.55

61.85 ± 7.69

 A few (n = 261)

12.92 ± 3.7

12.31 ± 2.73

29.57 ± 5.89

54.80 ± 9.91

 Many/A lot (n = 28)

12.32 ± 4.65

10.71 ± 3.59

25.39 ± 7.41

48.43 ± 13.54


< 0.001

< 0.001

< 0.001

< 0.001

 Effect sizeb [95% IC]

0.92 [0.53–1.32]

1.10 [0.70–1.49]

1.53 [1.12–1.94]

1.60 [1.19–2.00]

Access to oral health care


 No difficulty (n = 380)

14.65 ± 3.45

13.28 ± 2.5

31.89 ± 5.1

59.82 ± 8.83

 Difficulties (n = 175)

12.84 ± 4.01

11.91 ± 3.1

28.86 ± 6.56

53.61 ± 11.04


< 0.001

< 0.001


< 0.001

 Effect size [95% IC]

0.48 [0.30–0.67]

0.51 [0.32–0.69]

0.54 [0.36–0.72]

0.64 [0.46–0.83]

  1. ap values, Kruskal Wallis test
  2. bNo vs many/A lot