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Table 3 Indirect effects between number of decayed teeth and OHRQoL

From: The role of dental pain and psychosocial factors on the relationship between dental caries and oral health-related quality of life in children

Decayed teeth → clinical consequences of untreated caries → OHRQoL = 0.548 × 0.118 = 0.065

Decayed teeth → clinical consequences of untreated caries → dental pain → OHRQoL = 0.548 × 0.166 × 0.320 = 0.029

Decayed teeth → clinical consequences of untreated caries → SOC → OHRQoL = 0.548 × − 0.011 × − 0.232 = 0.001

Decayed teeth → clinical consequences of untreated caries → social support → OHRQoL = 0.548 × 0.056 × − 0.196 = − 0.006

Decayed teeth → dental pain → OHRQoL = 0.244 × 0.320 = 0.078

Decayed teeth → SOC → OHRQoL = − 0.012 × − 0.242 = 0.002

Decayed teeth → Social support → OHRQoL = − 0.088 × − 0.196 = 0.017