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Table 4 Evaluation of the baseline and 2-year incremental cost between groups and number of surfaces over time using Bootstrap regression analysis (1000 repeats) using Linear Regression considering the child level

From: Use of rubber dam versus cotton roll isolation on composite resin restorations’ survival in primary molars: 2-year results from a non-inferiority clinical trial

Cost analysis


US$ (SD)

Univariate analysis

Adjusted analysis

Coefficient (SE)

95% CI

p value

Coefficient (SE)

95% CI

p value

Baseline Total Cost

 Study Groups

  RDI (ref)

17.65 (6.62)

− 6.88 (0.89)

 < 0.001*

− 6.95 (0.93)

 < 0.001*


10.76 (5.09)

− 8.64 to − 5.12


− 8.79 to − 5.11


 Number of surfaces

  Single (ref)

12.65 (5.97)

2.01 (1.04)


2.28 (0.76)



14.67 (7.03)

-0.02 to 4.06




2 years Total Cost

 Study Groups

  RDI (ref)

24.62 (19.42)

− 8.51 (2.44)

 < 0.001*

-8.69 (2.45)

 < 0.001*


16.11 (10.64)

− 13.30 (− 3.72)


− 13.49 to − 3.88


 Number of surfaces

  Single (ref)

15.95 (7.25)

5.83 (1.89)


6.16 (1.94)



21.79 (17.98)



2.36 to 9.97

  1. CI = Confidence interval; SE = Bootstrap Standard error; SD = standard deviation; *p < 0.05
  2. All costs were measured in Brazilian reais (R$) and converted to US Dollars (US$) using purchasing power parities (PPP)– Conversion rate 1US$ = 2.311R$