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Table 2 Definitions of the three-dimensional skeletal measurements of mandible

From: Comparison of spheno-occipital synchondrosis maturation stages with three-dimensional assessment of mandibular growth




Mandibular total length

Co mid-Gn (mm)

Distance between Co midpoint and Gn points onto the sagittal plane

Mandibular body length

Go mid-Me (mm)

Distance between Go midpoint and points Me point onto the sagittal plane

Mandibular ramal height

Co mid-Go mid (mm)

Distance between Co midpoint and Go midpoint points onto the sagittal plane

Mandibular width Biantegonial width

Ag–Ag (mm)

Distance between the right and the left Ag points along the transverse axis

Mandibular width Bigonial width

Go–Go (mm)

Distance between the right and the left Go points along the transverse axis

Mandibular width Bicondylar width

Co–Co (mm)

Distance between the right and the left Co points along the transverse axis

Mandibular height

Ag–FHP (mm)

Distance between the left and the right Ag points and FH plane along the transverse axis

Mandibular anterio-posteiorly inclination

(MP mid/FHP)°

The angle between of Go mid-point-Me line and the FHP anterio-posteriorly onto the sagittal plane

Mandibular medio-lateraly inclination


The angle between of mandibular plane Ag–Ag line and FHP medio-lateraly onto the coronal plane