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Table 7 Parents’ opinions toward GA used for their autistic children

From: Influence of past advanced behavior guidance experience on parental acceptance for autistic individuals in the dental setting


N = 139

No. (%)

GA experience

Exp (n = 39)

No exp (n = 100)

No. (%)

Median (IQR)

No. (%)

Median (IQR)

Positive opinions

( +) Achieve treatment

56 (40.3)

20 (51.3)

82.0 (33.0)

36 (36.0)

80.0 (35.0)

( +) No resistance

26 (18.7)

9 (23.1)

91.0 (24.5)

17 (17.0)

74.0 (29.5)

( +) No psychological trauma

13 (9.4)

6 (15.4)

96.6 (38.8)

7 (7.0)

80.0 (28.0)

( +) No pain

11 (7.9)

4 (10.3)

95.0 (17.0)

7 (7.0)

75.0 (50.0)

( +) Safe

10 (7.2)

4 (10.3)

90.0 (31.3)

6 (6.0)

100.0 (25.0)

( +) No restraint

7 (5.0)

2 (5.1)

85.0 (−)

5 (5.0)

100.0 (38.0)

Negative opinions

(−) Side effects

91 (65.5)

15 (38.5)

74.0 (34.0)

41 (41.0)

50.0 (69.0)

(−) Being unconscious

20 (14.4)

1 (2.6)

76.0 (−)

19 (19.0)

15.0 (74.5)

(−) Time−consuming

2 (1.4)

2 (5.1)

64.5 (−)

0 (0.0)

(−) Terrifying

2 (1.4)

1 (2.6)

50.0 (−)

1 (1.0)

50.0 (−)

  1. Exp  Advanced BGT experience, No exp  No advanced BGT experience,
  2. GA  General anesthesia, +  = Positive opinion, − = Negative opinion